Media Violence
Media Violence
The media is an essential tool for any society in that it serves as a vital source of information. People stay in touch with current affairs through the media. As much as the media is an essential component of any society, it also has numerous adverse implications. For instance, there is too much violence in the modern media. This might have extensive psychological effects (Sparks, 2012). Different researchers have sought to study the various implications of media violence. Whereas some argue in support of media violence, others refute it. This essay seeks to examine the negative implications of media violence.
Thesis: Media violence has negative effects on the society.
Reason 1: Media violence enhances crime
Most opponents of media violence argue that it enhances crime. However, this assertion is not necessarily valid. There are numerous factors that cause crime in the society other than media violence. For instance, the increase the rates of drug abuse has been a momentous aspect behind the escalating levels of crime. In most cases, the media encourages people to maintain peace in all circumstances. It is thus inappropriate to assert that media violence has a negative effect.
When people are continuously exposed to media violence, there is the high likelihood that they behave in the same way. This serves as a platform for justifying why media violence increases crime rates in the society. Some people might want to participate in crime in order to emulate their heroes in violent dramas and movies. For the hardcore gangsters, they might also borrow a leaf from what they see in violent media scenes (Sparks, 2012). These perspectives indicate that media violence has a negative effect.
Reason 2: Media violence undermines cognitive development in children
There have been widespread arguments that media violence derails the process of cognitive development in children. However, this is not valid because parents can control what children view on television. In essence, media violence can actually boost the cognitive skills of children because it exposes them to different experiences. It also prepares them to face different kinds of life challenges.
Media violence has an inherent capacity to derail the process of cognitive development in children. Exposure to violence at an early age can easily affect an individual’s behavior later in life. The graphic content in violence scenes is extremely excruciating for most children. This affects them psychologically and thus undermines cognitive growth. Psychological disturbances can also affect the child’s concentration at school.
Reason 3: Media violence enhances creativity
Proponents of media violence argue that it enhances the levels of creativity among individuals. However, this assertion is invalid because it exposes the viewers to graphic scenes with extensive psychological implications. An individual can only gain creativity through practice and extensive reading. Consequently, media violence does not enhance creativity.
Continuous exposure to media violence equips the viewers with an array of problem solving tactics. Most violent dramas and movies have got excellent themes that can easily enhance an individual’s creativity (Sparks, 2012). For instance, some dramas depict people fighting in order to access technological intelligence. Such themes can enhance the viewers’ creativity.
Media violence has a negative effect. Although violent programs have different beneficial implications, it is evident that there are too many negative implications. For instance, media violence exposes children to graphic scenes at a tender age. This can curtail the process of cognitive development in such children.
Sparks, G. (2012). Media effects research: A basic overview. Boston, MA: Wadsworth
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