Movie Analysis: Good Bye Lenin

Movie Analysis: Good Bye Lenin

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 Good Bye Lenin is a Germany tragicomedy movie produced in 2003 and directed by Wolfgang Becker ( 2012).  The movie features Daniel BrühlChulpan KhamatovaKatrin Saß and Maria Simon.  The movie examines the unification of Germany.  It comments on the unification of Germany by showing events that happened during this time and their impact on the citizens.

Daniel Brühl (Alex) recalls how proud he was with his fellow citizens when the first German to enter space came from East Germany. The rest of the movie is set in East Berlin before the reunification of German. German citizens experienced a wide range of challenges during the unification of Germany. The challenges included social, economic and political challenges as evidenced by the main character Alex (Cooke p1-256).

  The unification of German resulted to separation of families (O’Brien p1-138).  The political problems experienced during this time affected families and caused separation of the families.  This is exemplified by Alex and his family. Alex family is not complete as he lives with his mother and sister. Alex father abandoned his family and fled to the West.

The father fled to West Germany as the Party oppressed him ( 2012). Alex’s mother is not able to join the father as East government would take the children. This forces him to stay in East Germany. The family reunites as the father moves to East Germany after the unification of Germany (Gerstenberger p1-206).

The changes after the unification of East and West Germany have a negative effect on Alex’s mother.  The doctor claims that exposing Alex’s mother to shock will cause a fatal heart attack. This forces Alex and his sister not to tell her about the unification of Germany. Instead, Alex and his sister maintain the illusion that things in Germany are the same as before in German democratic republic.   Alex and his sister inform their mother that East Germany is accepting refugees from West Germany after she sees her neighbors’ furniture outside (Clarke p1-239).

In addition, Alex is separated from his girl friend as he was arrested by the riot police. Apart from showing the challenges the citizens faced during this time, the movie examines the collapse of the Berlin wall. The Berlin wall separated West Germany and East Germany and made it hard for citizens from both sides to interact ( 2012).

The two regions were ruled differently, and the citizens lived a different life. Citizens in West Germany lived a restricted life   and were separated from their families and loved ones as shown by Alex. The collapse of the Berlin wall led to the unification of East and West Germany (Merkl p1-146). It had political, social and economic consequences. The collapse of the war created jobs as many people got employment. Further, the collapse of the war led to political freedom and freedom of speech.   The residents were able to vote in different political parties during elections.

In addition, it resulted to freedom of movement. However, the changes were shot lived.   Capitalism came to East Germany after the collapse of the Berlin wall and had a devastating effect on the citizens. Many people including Alex lost their jobs.  Capitalism and soviet aid caused people to lose their jobs. Welfare schemes and social security payments were reduced (Glaebne p1-216).

 Therefore, the film provides information about the unification of Germany. It shows the events that happened during this period and the effect they had on the citizens.

 Clarke, D.B. German cinema: since unification. 2006. Continuum International publishing group, p1-239
Cooke, P. Representing East Germany Since unification. 2005. Berg, p1-256
 Gerstenberger, K. Writing the new Berlin. 2008. Camden House, p1-209
 Glaebne, G. Germany after unification.1996. Rodopi, p1-216
 Merkl, P.H. German unification. 2004. Penn state press, p1-446
O’Brien, M. Post-Wall German Cinema and National History. 2012. Camden House,p1-338 Goobye Lenin. 2012. Retrieved from on 10/11/2012

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