Movie Analysis Paper

Movie Analysis Paper

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  500 days of summer are one of love and relationship films that help people learn the concept of real love between two people. This film was released on august 7th 2009 under the Fox Searching Pictures Production. This essay revolves around the concept of love and relationship that exist in the community. In completing the essay, we shall discuss some concepts that will help us understand the issue presented by the movie. The concepts that will be discussed in this film analysis paper include disbelief about destined events, emotional growth among characters, and change of mind.

The story is on how the boy met a girl. Summer is a young girl whose love aspirations are different from those of Tom, and that is where the conflict begins. As the movie starts, we can see how summer puts her hand on Tom plus the way she smiles. Although the narrator tries to develop summer as an average girl, this does not reveal itself simply because her behaviors and conducts are totally different from that of an average girl. Tom struggles to find summer simply because according to the narrator, Tom finds her in many office buildings and commercial building. The moment he finds she feels relaxed simply because he believes that summer was his dream girl. This situation can only be described by the word fate simply because Tom searches summer in different places without success. He finally finds her, and that is when his heart finds a rest although in reality summer was not the type of lady he wanted in his life when he was searching for summer, (Knapp & Vangelisti, 2008).

During their initial meetings, summer and Tom in most cases tried to know each other. The film develops summer as somebody who loves music. Tom also likes listening to music, and that is where the audience can see how the aspect of emotion develops. Tom narrates to summer on how he has been working for the company and the grades he got when he was in college. They also talks about summer and his life before they came to know each other. Something that amazed summer is that Tom majored in Architect, but he was working in Card Company. According to summer, this was wrong simply because a person is supposed to work under his professional. McKenzie and Paul friends of Tom realized that things for Tom and summer were not working, and it is out of this they advised Tom on what to apply, (Knapp & Vangelisti, 2008).

Tom is forced to give summer a date in order to let her know what he thinks and feels about their relationship. While drinking, Tom decided to break the news of emotional growth that has developed inside him. He talks about the love he feels for summer but summer asserts this aspect. Summer argues that she is not comfortable being someone’s girl and she cannot make to have a relationship with Tom. Another argument is that love relationships have made different people stay apart simply because they do not come into a consensus. She argues that relationship leaves people hurt. Tom has a different perception and tells summer that love is a strange thing that one doesn’t know how it develops. After their drinking, McKenzie helps Tom in winning the lady by informing her how tom loves her, (Knapp & Vangelisti, 2008).

Summer is also a human and has felt. The emotion growth about love between the two makes summer given Tom a Kiss and the dating process started. After a short period of staying together, summer and Tom broke up. In the first place, it was hard for Tom to believe the situation. For Tom, this was disbelief of destined events simply because after the break up his work performance became worse. When Tom was with summer, the narrator tries to show as how life for the two was good and moved in the right direction. Things changed when summer decided to withdraw from the love something that made life difficult for Tom both at the workplace and in the normal life. Tom had a positive focus when they were together but due to the break up things changed to a point where he was not concentrating with what was going around him, (Knapp & Vangelisti, 2008).

Summer took a step of quitting from the company with a reason not to meet with Tom. It was difficult for Tom something that made him become a high tempered person. Life went on developing disbeliefs on their love relationship life. On one, occasion, the two met in a train with a reason of attending Millie’s wedding. All this time, Tom had high expectations of getting summer back in his life. At the evening party of Millie’s wedding, Tom got a chance of talking to summer and was invited for a party to summer’s place. This was a high time for Tom to develop some ideas on getting summer back. The climax of disbelief of destined event occurred when Tom attended the party not knowing what was happening. He came to learn that the party was for summer’s engagement with another person. It was painful for Tom something that made him leaves the party without any word. He had become a pessimistic person where he took a point of quitting from the Card Company, (Knapp & Vangelisti, 2008).

When Tom was looking for a new job, summer was busy preparing for her wedding. This was a disbelief of events simply because it was not expected to happen the way it happened. Initially, summer believed that there was no destined love. The aspect of mind change develops when summer comes to love the person who married him. When Tom and summer met again, Tom asked her about her mind change about love and summer was able to explain to him how things happened to a point where she became interested with the man of her dream. Although it was not easy for Tom, we can see the concept of mind change simply because in the first incidence summer did not believe being someone’s life. The film ends when Tom goes for an interview and meets a woman by the name autumn, (Knapp & Vangelisti, 2008).

This movie develops the aspect of change, disbelief, and growth into the greatest level. What can be seen is that Tom is a change to a strong man who can stand by his words, and for summer she is changed from disbelief of love to belief of love. We can see that, in life there exist no destined events because things change on the way without individual’s knowledge.


Knapp, M. L. & Vangelisti, A. (2008). Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships:   Allyn and Bacon

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