My Five Senses
Tastes: As one bites through the hard round crunchy shell of the taco, he can taste the soft pieces of beef, juicy, and spicy filling his mouth. The mixture of lettuce and tomatoes adds more complex flavor, cooling down the heat from the spices. The taste of Injera, a traditional food from my country, with its soft and smooth texture of the bread is so appetizing that it would make anyone want to eat more than is supposed to eat. This is especially when taken together with homemade, unsweetened Arabica coffee that has been prepared from scratch. This homemade coffee is unlike American coffee.The taste is powerful, sharp, and crisp, with a small note of nuttiness toward the end. Alternative, when one is hungry and tired from the day’s work he or she can opt for the delicious, sticky white rice from one of the Chinese restaurants in the neighborhood.
The rice is subtly sweet and creamy, with just a small bite that give it that “al dente” feeling. A glass of fresh flavor lemonade will be very enticing after the heavy afternoon meal. The lemonade flavor is usually intense, with the perfect balance of sweet and sour. With some added ice cubes, it transforms into a refreshing treat that cools you down like a glass of cold, icy water. A taste on an orange from one of the stores, with its juicy, sweet and citric taste is enough to some up a healthy and delicious afternoon meal.
Smells: When you get into an elevator; you usually encounter the smells of stagnant air, with traces of sweat and dust that reminds someone that this is a public place. The same breath is experienced when one encounters a person who has just removed his shoes and his foot hygiene is not that great; the air fills with an odor that is foul and musky. This smells are usually common in the crowded areas. To get a way from the smell of crowds experienced in the congested town center, one should visit the Italian hotel located just in the outcast of the town. Inside the rooms, you would find linen sheets on the bed that have a delicious scent created by the essence of fresh blue peonies.
A scent of lemon soap can be smelled across the room, from the bathroom. Just in case, air fresheners have been placed inside the rooms, to combats the odor and restores the air with a fresh scent making it easier to breathe. Back at the hotel’s restaurant, the smell of sweet aroma of food is what welcomes anyone that walks. During cold evenings, it is normal to experience the sweet smell of dark tea or the fresh aroma of top grade coffee. The lemon tree outside the restaurant, have a beautiful fragrance of honey and citrus and when the wind blows, it envelops the establishment with its glorious scent.
Sight: The rooms of the hotel are almost identical. While still at the doorway of the hotel rooms, the first thing visible on the far side of the room is a white wall; it’s tranquilly colored frames of ancient pictures and drawing. Underneath the picture, there is a bed covered with a floral bedspread, to the left, a night table holds a beige telephone, a small lamp, and a radio alarm clock. Behind the night table, fresh air from the window gently rustles the coolly colored curtains hanging from above.
On the far side of the room, is a polished mahogany dresser that is placed adjacent to the walls. To protect the wood from scratches, a white cloth runs along the top in a neat square. On top of the cloth, there is a color television set, a wooden jewelry box, three bottles of perfume labeled by the establishment’s brand. Hanging on the wall besides the dresser is a calendar with large black numbers.
Hear: There is also a music player placed just besides the bed and a bunch of musical records. One may opt to listen to the cool music as he lay down on the bed to enjoy the quaint, peaceful room. The “tick tock” of the room clock can also be hard from a distance indicating the tranquility of the place. This contrast to most setting back in our neighborhoods where loud and booming drums played all night from my neighbor’s houses are usually the order of the night.
Sounds of dog barking are also common in the neighborhoods adding to the difficulties in finding sleep. Occupationally, you can hear noises from the neighborhood roads as one of the neighbor struggles on the road with his failing old vehicle. Purring sounds of the old model vehicle are usually common at this neighbor’s premises as he returns home late from work and when leaving early in the morning as he always does.
Touch: As one stands in the hotel room balcony, he can feel the cool breeze of the night blowing swiftly and gently over his body. The air is usually cool and tranquil. Inside the rooms the situation is quite the opposite. While inside the room, you can feel the inviting warmth of the room brought about by the well designed décor of the room as well as the rooms heating system. The birth room has fully functional bath tab and overhead showers that have supply of both hot and cold water.
The choice is now left to you. Whether you would like to have an experience of the warm and comforting hot shower system or have the refreshing cool shower, the choice would be up to you. When the night become to cold for you, you may opt to crawl into the beds and sandwich your self between the warm blankets provided by the hotel. The feeling you get while at the hotel, is quite different from what you get when in the congested centers.
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