Narrative Analysis
Narrative Analysis
Outline presentation
Since the beginning of the 21st centaury schools are experiencing racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse population of students. This made has the schools in the United States to develop guidance program to address the component of multiculturalism in school. The roles of the school counselors is therefore, very important in developing and implementing successful programs to address cultural diversity among the student population.
Whom to consult with prior to presentation on cultural diversity in school
Before the presentation, I have to consult with a group of Hispanic parents to know to what percent of them support physical punishment of children. The second group of people to consult is the school teachers to find out how many of them have received cases of their students being harshly punished by their parents. The teachers can also give information on how hard punishment of the Latino students impact on their education. Lastly, the Latino students can be consulted find out how many of them have a shared experience of physical abuse from their families. The report from the there groups will act as good evidence for the report.
Education sources
The major source of information will be the book Group and Individual Differences, by Eggen and Kauchak. This book will give guidelines to the research because they authors talk of a school setting with culturally diverse learners. The authors define what culture is and how it can impact on learner’s academic success. They also acknowledged the difficulty that arises when teachers have to deal with culturally diverse challenges. Another source of materiel is a journal by Bradley, (1998) on Sixty-one successful strategies for fostering family involvement in schools. The author talks of the role of the school counselors in addressing child abuse discipline method among students. The counselors have to involve parents in developing alternative methods for punishing their children.
What I hope to learn
This study is beneficial in learning about the effect of corporal punishment and its effects to academic success of students. The counselors have a role in educating parents on alternatives for punishment.
Cultural factors that need to be taken into consideration
Physical abuse of children within the Hispanic family unit a concern to school counselors’ .A counselor has to be sensitive to the cultural needs of the Hispanic student. The aspect of language barrier has to be solved in addressing alternative methods of punishment with the parents. The counselor has to develop and implement a program where students can freely share information. The parents should be involved in discussing the best alternative of punishing methods. The teachers should assist the students emotionally and so that they can perform better in academics.
Eggen, P., Kauchak, D. (2007). Group and Individual Differences. In J.W. Johnston & K.M. Davis (Eds.), Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms, (7th ed., pp. 103-116). Pearson: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Zeichner, K. (1992, September). NCRTL Special Report: Educating Teachers for Cultural Diversity. Retrieved September 20, 2007, from MichiganStateUniversity, NationalCenter for Research on Teacher Learning Web site:
Brendel, J. M. (1998). Sixty-one successful strategies for fostering family involvement in schools. TCA Journal, 26, 44-48.
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