Nation State
A nation is a culture group that resides within a territory of the political state. A nation state is an entity with mixed cultures, norms, beliefs, and values. A good nation is one that works together with a common understanding and it also prove to be the best by following the same pattern. People are usually considered to being a nation if they exhibit the same form of government if they consider other and declare themselves to be sovereign if they are a permanent resident of certain territory, and if they have a common culture. State is an independent political unit, which claim restricted jurisdiction over certain territory and activities and people within them (Perry, K & Perry, J 2009). A modern nation state is a state that is normally defined by 4 characteristics, which include ethnic entity, sovereignty, advanced equipments, and sharing of concepts, thoughts, and ideas.
Characteristics of a modern nation state
A modern nation state is a mixture of geographical and physical entity, which is referred to as an ethnic entity. The state serves as a sovereign entity for the whole nation and also a territorial unit. Another characteristic of a modern nation state is that people in the state share thoughts, concepts, and ideas. The nation is well advanced with equipments that help every person in the nation.An example of a state is Japan. Japan is considered as a state because of the limited authority emperor powers. The emperor is defined by the constitution as a symbol of the unity of people and a state (Renwick, H & Bergman, F 2011). The prime minister of Japan holds power and other elected members. This is a place where every person follows the same idea, and they do this so that they can be on the right position and right direction. Japan is a state because of its shared values. The government of Japan is adding ideas with shared cooperation so that they can be united and also generate outcome that are effective.
A state usually generate effective outcome if all the leaders are working with a shared understanding. In order for a nation, to be considered a state, it should consider this idea. Gypsy nation is an example of a nation. Gypsy is a nation where people work together, they live together and also follow the same pattern. A nation is considered as jointly combining the ideas, thoughts, and feelings of people. In Gypsy nations, people live with shared ideas, concepts, and values, and this makes them united and also generate a potential outcome for the economy of the nation. Iceland is a nation state, which is considered a strong example of a nation state. People in Iceland are internally combined with each other; thus, generating a potential outcome for the whole nation. When practices of a nation and a state are combined, it results to a nation state. A country results to a nation state when it works as a nation following the ideas, concepts, beliefs, and thoughts of every person.
United States as a modern nation state
The united state fit the criteria of a modern nation state as it is a sovereign territory. The group of people in this state wants to have its own government. United States is a nation state as it has features of countries in the country. An element of a state is territories and the united states have fifty states. US maintain its borders, and it subdivides the territories for the purpose of the government. United States fits the criteria of a modern nation state as the people living here have been able to define themselves by the common beliefs and values individually, but not by their religion, racial, and ethnic identity.
The state has a collection of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs and people are working with one another so that they can get to their goals. Every nation usually aim at reaching a point where people work jointly so that to make their nation the best (Chernilo, D 2007).An example of a fixed territory is United States and Pakistan where people live by following the same norms and values. United States is a fixed territory as there are some fixed rules that are followed. Japan fosters the attributes of sovereignty. People who live in Japan are sovereign. Then people live in peace and they also follow the same concepts and norms. This people are united, and they work in a manner that is peaceful. Japan is also an example of a state where they have a common culture. This is a state where people live together by following the same ideas and also follow the same culture.
Foreign policy
United states have several foreign policy objectives that the government aims at achieving their goals. The objectives of the foreign policy are meant for making united states a nation where people are free to live in freedom as a nation. The first goal is protecting the physical security of the nation. Every nation foreign policy has this objective. US have been extremely successful in this objective as there have been no foreign armies that have been able to occupy US. Then second objective of then foreign policy is protecting the physical security of US allies. US have always been committed in protecting Western Europe nations through NATO and also protecting nations in other continents like Israel and Japan.
European Union
There have been many historical events that occurred during the twentieth century that played a significant role in the creation of EU. There had been many events that occurred related to culture, technology, medicine, war, environment, politics and many others. European Union was created as a means of decision making among multinational political countries where power was delegated to authority by the member state government. This was done so that to make war to be something materially impossible and unthinkable. The foundation of the European Coal and Steel Communitylead to the establishment of the EU and included 6 nations (Archer, C 2008). It served as an organization for unifying the Western Europe during the period of Cold War.Some of the major nations that make up the EU include Spain, Bulgaria, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Malta, Czech, Belgium, Latvia, Ireland, Germany, France, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, Romani, Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, and Hungary.
The major institutions that make up the European Union are Court of Justice, European central bank, European commission, European Parliament, Committee of regions, European investment bank, and European economic and social committee. The contemporary function of the EU is to enable close relationship between the nations(Richardson, J 2006). This assists in making the most collective abilities of the member states like freedom of job choice, free trade, and freedom of movement. Mainly the European Union was established because of the need to have stability in Europe after the World War II. However, EU does not belong to a certain country every state member has a say on how EU is run. The well being and public administration are the main responsibility of the EU. Therefore, it has tom work so that to generate effective outcomes.
Objective of European Union foreign policy
The objective of the EU foreign policy is to use a decisive diplomacy and also a player in international issues like global warming and Middle East conflicts. The foreign and security policy of EU is soft power with diplomacy and backed up by trade, peacekeepers, and aid in resolving conflicts and bring international understanding (Archer, C 2008). It is also the objective of the EU to implement neighborhood policy. This ensures that there are stronger relationships with the neighboring countries. This objective has performed better, and there are better outcomes that are expected in the future.
Nation state and transnational entities
In order to achieve their interests, the nation states and the transnational entities are working effectively. They aim at making the nation a strong and better enough where people are able to live together understanding each other and also cooperating with one another. Together with the transnational entities, the nation state is working well in foreign policy. In case there is a need for development in the economy, the nation foreign policy has to change to meet the needs for the objective of the nation state. Therefore, it has to start establishing and maintain a good relationship with the other states so that to enhance trade. In 1994, then US signed NAFTA that linked US, Mexico, and Canada (Chernilo, D 2007). When Americans felt that they lacked security after the attacks on 11th September, the US foreign policy launched a war on terror. This involved war against Afghanistan and war to disarm Iraq from possession of alleged weapons of mass destruction.
There are many consequences that may arise because of interaction for international politics. The main reason is because of work whereby the nation has to work in a better environment. The aim of the interactional politics is to ensure that the interaction is occurring in a manner that is appropriate without causing any problem. When the state, the nation, and the nation state combines and work together, there are different ideas and norms that are matched. When the foreign policy is correctly followed, they tend to affect the international politics in a broader perspective (Chernilo, D 2007). The core idea of EU is this policy so that they can be specific about their regulations and rules and ensuring what is required is done efficiently.
States and nations are supposed to be in better situations and positions, in work, that they are doing ensuring that they follow the same pattern. When there is the same pattern being followed, it is hard for problems to arise and the nation can be able to generate effective outcomes. Every nation and state should consider this issue if they want to make their nation the best.
Archer, C (2008). The European Union Taylor & Francis
Chernilo, D (2007). A social theory of the nation state Taylor & Francis
Perry, K & Perry, J (2009). Contemporary society Ally and Bacon
Renwick, H & Bergman, F (2011). Introduction to geography Pearson Education
Richardson, J (2006). The European Union Taylor & Francis
White, E & White, G (2007). Nation, state, and territory Rowman & Littlefield
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