Negative Impacts of Computer Technology on Society
Negative Impacts of Computer Technology on Society
The society has witness drastic development in the field of technology. Today, computers occupy a central part in the human society. Every sector in the modern world has incorporated element of computer technology. The transport, communication, education, entertainment and many other sectors have incorporate computer technology. It is true that computer technology has led to significant improvement on the society. However, there are negative impacts that this technology has introduced into the society. Development of a passive society; diminished productivity and academic performance; prevalence of information security threats, degradation of morals, and diminished human relationships are some of the negative impacts of computer technology. Society can mitigate these impacts by establishing policies that govern the use of computers.
Negative Impact of Computer Technology
Development of a passive society is one of the negative impacts of computer technology. Computer technology has reduced the level of activities with the society. Computer game is one of the technologies that have contributed to an inactive society. According to Ihori, Sakamoto, Shibuya, and Yukawa S (2007), “American children spend an average of 12 hours every week in video games. These means that computer games have become the number one pass time activity among American children. This pass time activity does not involve any physical engagement thus, promoting inactivity among children. Consequently, the rates of obesity in the country have risen significantly in recent times. “Currently, 40% of Americans are obese” (Kumanyika, 2008). These high rates of obesity have given rise to various health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular ailments and cancer.
Computer technologies have led to diminished productivity and academic performance. An average American child spends over 18 hours every week on the computer (Jacobs, 2008). Much of the time that children spent on computers is dedicated to activities such as playing games, chatting with friends and watching music. These activities take most of the children free time, leaving them with little time for studies. Consequently, many students record poor academic performance. Computer technology has also led to diminished productivity among the adult population. Many adults steal company time and spend it to communicate with friends through the online social networks and email (Aguenza & Alkassem, 2012). Companies around the country are incurring huge losses as a result of this habit.
Computer technology has also increased security threats within the society. Information security is one of the areas that have affected by the development of computer technology. Advancement in computer technology has introduced changes to the process of storing information (Kraemer, Carayo & Clem, 2010). Company, governments, hospitals, banks and other organization store varied information on their databases. Some organizations convey information through networks. The electronic means of storing and conveying information has exposed information to various threats. It has become easy for criminals to hack into organization’s networks and steal information (Kraemer, Carayo & Clem, 2010). This would be a lot difficult if the traditional file storage system is in use. Thanks to computer technology, it is now easy for an individual to store a large amount of data in a small device such as memory card. It is also possible for someone to steal an organization’s information without going to the physical location of the organization. Cyber criminals usually target very sensitive information such as personal details and bank account details.
Computer technology has also led to degradation of social morals. The internet technology has made the transfer data fast and easy. Today is has become easy for people to send large file over the internet. While this technology presents numerous benefits to society, it has also promoted social evils. Pornography is one of the social ills that have thrived due to the development of the internet technology (McKenna & Bargh, 2004). Today, pornographic sites are readily available on the internet. It is easy for children gain access to these sites. The internet has also enhanced prostitution. The internet has provided a platform for people who indulge in the prostitution business to sell their services (McKenna & Bargh, 2004). The online nature of this platform makes it easy for people to avoid arrest.
Computer technology has also minimized the value of human relationships. Computer technologies have provided virtual ways for people to interact (Burke, 2010). Emails, chats, online social networks and blogs have become the new way of communication between friends and family. People are no longer interest in traveling in order to visit friends or family. This has largely affected the value of relationships. Though the social networks and emails enable people to be in constant communication, it does not provide a lot of depth in terms of sharing experiences.
Response to the Problem
Computer technology presents numerous benefits to the human society. However, the development of computer technologies has introduced various challenges into the society. The society needs to develop formal and informal policies for guiding the use of these technologies in order to ensure that the negative impacts of technology are minimized. Development of these policies requires the contribution of all stakeholders. The parent is one of the most essential stakeholders. The parent has the responsibility of control various negative impacts of computers. One of these is the impact of computer games on children health. Parents need to develop standards for their children in order to control the use of computer games. Parents need to regulate the time spent by their children on video. They need to encourage the children to participate in physical activities instead of dedicating most of their time to playing video games.
Regulating usage of computer will also enhance productivity of children. Parents should ensure that children have enough time for study by regulating the amount of time they spend on computer games and online social networks. Parents also have a responsibility towards control the social vises that have been propagated by computers. Pornography is one of the main vises that have been propagated by computer technologies (McKenna & Bargh, 2004). Parents need to actively monitor the children’s activities when the children are using computers. Parents need to regulate their children environment in order to make certain that children do not gain access to pornographic materials. The government also has a responsibility of controlling pornographic content within the society. The government should ensure that circulation of pornographic content is regulated.
The government also has a responsible of enhancing security of information (Kraemer, Carayo & Clem, 2010). Computer technology has increased threat to information security. The government should enact laws and policy to address these threats. The law should impose tough penalties on perpetrators of cyber crimes. The policies should also provide guidelines for enhancing security of information. Stakeholders within the technology field also have a responsibility towards educating members of the public concerning matters of security. Member of the public fall victims to cyber crimes because they are unaware of measures that they can take so as to guard themselves from criminals (Kraemer, Carayo & Clem, 2010). Some people expose their passwords while others store their security information where it is easily accessible to other people. Such mistakes expose people to security threats. Stakeholders in the technology industry need to take the imitative of educating people on how to address the challenge of information security threat.
Counter Arguments
Some scholars argue that computer games have a positive impact on health because the games can be used to reinforce healthy behaviors. According to Boranowski and Thomson (2011), “the active nature of video games makes them effective tools for promoting change of behaviors among children”. Computer games, unlike television, actively engage children in the entertainment process. This means that children pay a lot of attention while playing video games. The active nature of the computer games also engages all the senses of the child making the games effective tool for convey messages to the children. Thus, Boranowski and Thomson (2011) suggest that the games can become a useful tool for passing health messages to the children. However, this effort may not make a significant impact because the computer games will continue to take a significant portion of the children leisure time. This will ensure that American children continue to struggle with obesity.
A section of scholar may argue that computer technology has promoted learning by providing effective instructional tools and a vast array of research material. The computer consists of a variety of tools that promote learning. These include word processors, spread sheets, projectors, calculators and many others (Aguenza & Alkassem, 2012). The internet also provides students with an effective platform for conducting research. The internet has also enabled the developed of distance learning, which has made high education accessible to a large section of the population. While these are meaningful benefits, the adverse impact of computers on education appears to be more significant than these benefits. This is because there are more students who use computers for entertainment and socialization purposes than those who use computers for learning purposes. Similarly, though the computer assists in enhancing the productivity of a company, it may become a source of unproductive behaviors among employees (Aguenza & Alkassem, 2012).
A few studies may argue that computers have enhanced security of information by providing a different channel of storing and conveying data. It is true that computer technology has introduced various benefits in terms of securing information. Unlike the file system, it is possible to reproduce data much faster thus reducing the possibility of losing data. It is also possible to back up information when using electronic means of storing data. However, the security benefits provided by computer technology are nothing compared to the threats that these technologies present to the security of information. Computer technology enables an individual to hide his identity and gain access into unauthorized information.
Various studies suggest that computer technology has enhanced human relationships by providing cheaper and faster ways of communication (Burke, 2010). Technologies such as emails, social networks, blogs and chats have enabled communication between individuals who are separated by large physical barriers. However, these means of communication have not enhanced human relationships, but have achieved the opposite (Burke, 2010). This is because many people have used these technologies to replace face to face communication. These technologies provide a superficial means of communication and, therefore, cannot effectively serve the needs that were previously served by face to face communication.
Computers have become a central element in the human society. This technology has led to significant improvement to the human society. However, they have also introduced a number of negative impacts. Development of passive society is one of the impacts of computer technology. Diminished levels of physical activities have increased the obesity rates within the society thus, resulting in various health problems. Development of computer technology has also led to diminished levels of productivity and academic performance. This is because many people are spending time on video games and social networking and leaving little time for productive activities. Computer technology has also increased threat to information security. The technologies have made it easy for criminal to steal or sabotage private information. Computer technologies have also promoted social vises such as prostitution and pornography.
Boranowski T and Thomson D. (2011). Behavioral Science in Video Games for Children’s Diet and Physical Activities. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 5 (2)
Burke M. (2010) Social Network Activity and Social Well Being. December 8, 2012.
Ihori N. Sakamoto A. Shibuya A. and Yukawa S. (2007). Effect of Video Games on Children’s Aggressive Behavior. December 4, 2012.
Jacobs G. (2008). Gaming Frequency and Academic Performance. Australian Journal of Education Technology. 24 (4): 355- 373
Kraemer S. Carayon P. & Clem J. (2010). Characterization in Computer and Information Security Systems. December 8, 2012.
McKenna K & Bargh J. (2004). “Internet and Social Life”. Journal of Annual Review Psychology. 55 (2004)
Sawyer R. (2011). The Impact of New Social Media on Intercultural Adaptation. December 4, 2012.
Aguenza B & Alkassem A. (2012). Social Media and Productivity in the Work Place. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business. 2 (2): 22- 26
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