Obtain both living will and a durable power of attorney documents from your place of work, the Internet, or other source,

Include a citation to the site where you retrieved your advance directive (if you obtained it online) or from your reading on advance directives. If

you obtained the form from another source then document the source..

Where did you obtain your advance directive forms?
How accessible were the documents?
If you had to get them from someone else, did they have them readily available?
Did they know what you wanted?
How difficult do you think it would be for a an older adult who is a layman (non nurse) to obtain and complete these forms?Comment on the benefits of such forms for your family or the healthcare team in determining what you would want if you couldn’t speak for yourself.
What was the reaction of the person with whom you discussed your advance directives?
Did the reaction surprise you?

How have your knowledge and opinion of advance directives changed as a result of this exercise?

part 2
Provide one substantive peer response.

peer’s comments

Where did you obtain your advance directive forms?

Is this your assignment or some part of it?

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