Plan of Action in a Business Setting


A plan of action in a business setting is used to identify key areas of the business which require immediate attention as well as ways through which problems can be solved. A plan of action is crucial in attaining business goals in addition to improving the working conditions which will in turn increase productivity of employees and the business. For a business manager to establish adequate job satisfaction and performance, a proper action plan must be put in place which will look into the behavioral aspects of workers which affect their performance in the work place. A proper understanding of the behavior portrayed by employees is significant in establishing the relationship between overall productivity or perception of employees and their behavior.


How behavioral differences affect team motivation

Every employee has a specific reason as to why they go to work or why they turn up at the same place everyday doing the same thing over and over again. Depending on employee’s attitude towards why they work, members of a team may be positively or negatively affected especially when one of the members works in order to obtain financial gains only. This is quite dangerous as such an employee is least bothered by the quality of work presented to them. However, employees who are keen on obtaining maximum capacities of putting their learnt skills into work are advantageous to a team as they will increase the participation of others by encouraging them to seek motivation when carrying out their tasks (Robbins and Judge, 2007).Changing the perception of employees towards work such that they no longer regard the work place as a source of financial gains hence making them develop negative attitudes towards work is key to obtaining team motivation. A team leader should therefore ensure that each team is made up of employees with different perception towards their responsibilities at work.

Strategies such as encouraging them to work harder in the team as a way of attaining good team work skills may change the negative perception (Robbins, 2007).Personal values or the personality of an employee may affect achievement of team motivation especially where members of the team have extreme personalities. This leads to some team members making all the fundamental decisions while others follow regardless of the situation. When this happens, the spirit of team work fails to yield the desired results as it will be a show for a small percentage while others follow (Robbins, 2007).  Individuals who are dictatic should thus be exempted from critical positions of the team as a way of increasing participation by all members especially the soft-spoken.  Employees who value teamwork and who are never emotional about failing should be encouraged to head teams which are exploring new projects such as new marketing strategies. This will increase the confidence of the other team members hence they get motivated knowing that they will achieve positive results (Robbins, 2007).

How behavioral differences affect Job satisfaction

Employees seeking job satisfaction always embrace positive values concerning responsibilities at work such that any added task is seen as a step towards attaining job satisfaction. Satisfied employees will always be wiling to heed the advice given by leaders positively such that their ethical conduct is upright at all times and they value doing what appertains to their area of specialization (Robbins, 2007).The attitude of employees towards their daily responsibilities also affects their job satisfaction as it is part of their commitment towards attaining the satisfaction. This entails seeing the responsibilities as challenges aimed at discovering ones strengths and weaknesses after which the employee seeks for ways of working on the weak areas (Robbins, 2007).Similarly, such challenges provide opportunities for exhausting the knowledge learnt in the course of the employees’ professional undertakings. This increases their scope of problem solving techniques thus making them more satisfied. The action plan should incorporate ways of making employees change their perception of salary or wages as a source of job satisfaction.

Most employees have developed this attitude for quite along period and it hinders their achievement of job satisfaction as they tend to regard their daily undertakings in terms of money rather than a way of broadening their knowledge (Robbins, 2007).The personality of an employee may affect their quest for job satisfaction especially when an individual has been aspiring to advance their career but due to social and financial issues the dreams are thwarted. In such a situation, some may adopt an abusive or irresponsible behavior as they are not satisfied with their jobs. When such a case arises, management should develop strategies which will take into consideration the causes of irresponsible behavior as well as request the employee to embrace an open mind in seeking alternative ways of advancing their career (Robbins, 2007).Despite all these, job satisfaction can be attained by employee recognition which makes them more motivated and committed in their responsibilities. People presenting mixed personalities are highly encouraged when they realize their supervisors are much concerned with their contribution to the business. This boosts their morale and hence they develop positive attitudes towards their work thus their job gives them satisfaction (Robbins, 2007).

How behavioral differences affect job performance

Job performance is often dependent on an employee’s values such that individuals who value the responsibilities and tasks assigned to them. Employees who value work as an avenue of new challenges which make their work more enjoyable are an asset to any business. This is attributed to the fact that these individuals will work extra hard when seeking for more challenging tasks as well as seeking recognition from seniors (Robbins, 2007). Similarly, individuals who value work assigned to them as a way of examining ones competency will increase their productivity at work. therefore, it is important for business managers to ensure that they recruit people who are dynamic in addition to those who are open minded when designated to various areas. This should be coupled with proper recognition for any exemplary performance which acts a motivator and in turn increases employee performance (Robbins, 2007).

Employers should create favorable working conditions for all employees such that their emotional dimensions are stabilized an aspect which contributes to serenity and job performance increases. Employees who are emotionally at peace as a result of the employer providing appropriate environment such that employees are comfortable and they engage all their energy on increasing their productivity. A conducive working environment also entails establishment of good communication avenues in all levels such that employees are not oppressed or inhibited from expressing their concerns (Robbins, 2007).An employee’s attitude towards his/her job is essential when preparing the plan of action aimed at increasing job performance. When employees realize that their performance is dependent on the amount of efforts exerted on the task, they may start paying more attention to their work as well as expounding on all resources at their disposal so as to ensure that positive results are achieved (Robbins, 2007). Research has shown that employees who are assured of a reward at the end of a well done task may post better results or increased performance than those who realize that there is no reward after all. Employers should therefore consider subsequent rewarding of exemplary performances to encourage more participation (Robbins, 2007).


An action plan in a business should include key areas of conflict such as employee welfare and contribution to the organization. Similarly, most of the behavioral aspects affecting employing performance, motivation and job satisfaction can be handled by incorporating appropriate employee-employer relations which are significant in identifying the weaknesses and strengths of various employees. After identification, proper strategies should be laid to make the issues turning points in achieving the company’s goals. Employers should ensure that all employees are given equal chances of expression as a way of ensuring that they are emotionally at peace, enabling them attain positive attitudes towards work, and development of reputable personalities in addition to values. The ethical conduct of a workplace is therefore crucial in the quest of applying the suggestions of the plan of action.


Robbins, R. & Judge, T. (2007) Organizational behavior. 12 ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.              Pearson Education, Inc.

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