Population health concern case study and policy action addendum paper

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>NURSING: Population health concern case study and policy action addendum paper

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Population Health Concern Case Study and Policy Action Addendum Paper (Case Study/Policy Paper): 30% of course grade
When writing this paper please imagine that you are involved as a masters prepared nurse in providing health related services in Paterson,NJ (direct care, administration and/or education). In order to serve you will want to better understand the health needs/concerns of the population and to explore effective means of improvement. For the purposes of this paper please choose one population health concern/issue as your focus. In actual practice the prioritization of focus areas and health resources is a critical issue – we will return to this issue of prioritization in the group presentation and discussion of the case studies.
*If you wish to work focus on an area other than Paterson please speak to the instructor ( prior approval is needed).
The paper should include the following:
A. Introduction: Introduce the population heath issue/concern and provide a brief overview of your rationale for focusing on this health concern (1-3 para). You may choose to focus on a specific population group in Paterson, if not specified the assumption will be that the discussion applies to the population of Paterson as a whole. Discuss the risk and preventive factors that are associated with this health concern and the consequences of this health concern for public health. Support your discussion with
evidence. The introduction may summarize some information that you discuss in greater detail further along in the paper.
B. Epidemiology: Provide and discuss relevant descriptive and analytical epidemiological data. Analyze and discuss data relationships in light of risk, causative or protective factors, comparisons over time and comparisons to other populations.
C. Benchmarks and Strategies to Address this Health Concern: Discuss relevant established benchmarks for progress in this area of health concern (may be state, national and/or international benchmarks). Discuss recommended strategies to address this health concern and the evidence supporting these recommendations. Please discuss your opinion of the relevance and cultural implications of these benchmarks and strategies to the population you are focusing on. Are there other benchmarks and/or strategies that you would propose, if so please discuss and provide a rationale.
D. Policy Action Addendum: Of the strategies to address this health care concern discussed to this point, please identify one or two strategies and discuss potential options for policy advancement that would support the strategy. Please recall that the policy advancement may be related to judicial, legislative, administrative or regulatory policy, institutional policy or other non-governmental policy. You might ask yourself: ‘what needs to change to better be able to engage this strategy and address this health issue and how might this relate to policy change?’. This is an opportunity to be intellectually creative and your ideas here should be informed by, but not limited to, the methods and examples covered thus far in your course work. Several policy advancement options should be covered. (1-2 pages of the 6-9 page paper).
E. Provide reference list and correctly cite all references in text.
*Through the course experience you will be exposed to resources and ideas that will assist in the development of this paper.
Grading Criteria:
1. Introduction: Brief overview of rationale for focus on given health topic is clear and well supported (and includes impact on public health). Relevant factors associated with this health concern are introduced here and clearly supported by evidence. [5%]
2. Epidemiology: Relevant descriptive and analytic epidemiological is shared. Data and data relationships are analyzed and discussed as relevant to understanding whom the health issues is affecting, the impact of the health issue and potential risk or preventive factors that may be addressed.[25%]
3. Established Benchmarks and Strategies: Benchmark(s) and strategies discussion shows evidence of thorough literature search, appraisal of sources and evidence base and consideration of relevance to specific population focus. Critical consideration of benchmarks and strategies is evidenced.[25%]
4. Integration Policy Action Addendum: shows well informed and creative envisioning of policy advancement ideas specifically related to addressing given health issue. [25%]
5. Efficacy of writing style, grammar, spelling, correct citation of references. [10%]
6. Sound and Relevant References (at least 5 sources- should be primary sources in
most cases)) [10%]
Paper to be no longer then 6-9 pages (tables and graphs, bibliography and cover page not included), two points will be deducted for each page over the designated length of paper.
Please provide headings and subheadings for each section of the paper.
*Students may complete the Population Health Concern Case Study and Policy Action Addendum on one’s own or as a group of 2 to 4 students. If students choose to work as a group they must commit to this by 2/25/15 and will have until 4/1/15 to have the option to withdraw from a group (The instructor must be notified by e-mail of working groups and any voluntary withdrawals from group, all members must be CC).
** Some important considerations for working in small groups: Each part of this paper integrates and builds on information from other aspects of the paper. It will be important for all members to be involved and knowledgeable regarding each aspect of the paper. The decision to work as a small group is a commitment to each other. All students in the group will receive the same grade for the assignment. There should be an understanding that different persons may have different goals and time availability for the work and this should be communicated openly. All persons should contribute significantly to the work. Please begin group work before the option to withdraw from group deadline so that you have this option available to you if needed. If the group is experiencing conflict I urge you to engage conflict resolutions strategies and to contact me for resources in conflict management and to help in the process if desired. Addressing conflict or a perception of imbalance in the group is the responsibility of the entire small group. I encourage small groups to utilize the “groups” function in Bb which provides for document sharing, blogs etc.
Struck, W. Jr. and White, E.B., (2000). The Elements of Style (4th Ed.) New York: Longman; Allyn & Bacon.
Individual municipality web sites, state and national legislators’ websites NJ Dept. of Health and Senior Services: http://www.state.nj.us/health/ NJ Judiciary: http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/
NJ Executive: http://www.state.nj.us/governor/
NJ Legislature: www.njleg.state.nj.us/
US Department of Health and Human Services: www.hhs.gov/ US Judiciary: http://www.supremecourtus.gov/
US Executive: www.whitehouse.gov
US Congress: http://www.house.gov/
http://beta.congress.gov/ http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/Default.asp
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners: www.aanp.org
American College of Nurse Practitioners http:www.acnpweb.org
American Nurses Association: www.nursingworld.org (see government affairs- top bar) New Jersey State Nurses Association: www.njsna.org
OTHER: Health Affairs (prominent health policy journal) www.healthaffairs.org and via Cheng Library

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