Pros and Cons of Social Networks
The online social networking sites chosen are Facebook, twitter and MySpace. These sites might be used to connect with others both positively and negatively. The positive aspect is the social networking sites enable people to form novel relationships as well as reconnect with family and friends. Moreover, the sites result to increases interaction and reinforcing of relationships (Harvey, 2007). Help with major life issues can be received through connecting via social networking sites. The forms of help may include finding a new place to live, changing jobs, buying a car and even caring for someone with an illness. Educational topics such as college and career planning can be covered through connections in the social networking sites. This is due to the fact that it is possible to meet people with common goals and interests.
The negative aspect is that through social networking sites, people are enticed to spend a lot of time online rather than communicating face-to-face. Hence, the sites provide several time-wasting activities that supplement activities that are more productive (Harvey, 2007). It has been estimated that teenagers spend approximately nine hours on social networking sites weekly. Unhealthy connections or relationships can be formed through social networking sites. Moreover, the connections may lead to negative consequences such as financial or sexual predators due to posting of personal information such as texts and photos to the public.
The depth of the emotional connection to new friends in the mentioned social networking sites affects the “real-world” relationships. Spending more time building relationships established via social networking sites may have a negative effect on real-world relationships due to lack of commitment and dedication (Segal, 2009). Social networking site users tend to pay more attention and give more dedication to online relationships rather than dedicating themselves to “real-world” relationships. The increase in the use of social media has resulted to a decline in the hours per day of face-to-face socializing. It is evident that couples spend little time together even in cases when they reside within the same house.
A person who starts a romantic relationship with someone through a social networking site and yet they are on a committed relationship in the “real-world” would be cheating. This is because regardless of whether the parties in a relationship interact face-to-face or not, there is a close emotional connection. This implies that having an online romantic relationship while still in a committed “real-world” relationship would be considered cheating. Sexual orientation tends to relate to who is more likely to have an online relationship. People are freer when relating through social networking sites and this may be the case with same-sex relationships (Segal, 2009). Homosexuals may prefer connecting through social networking sites as not in the “real-world”.
The motivation for each gender regarding the use of social networking sites and developing online relationship is the dissimilar. According to data collected in October, 2009 by Google Ad Planner, females used social networking sites more compared to males. The data also revealed that women made up the majority of users on leading social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and Flickr (Harvey, 2007). Women are also more likely to have an online relationship in comparison to men. This is because of varying uses among both sexes. While men are more interested in increasing their status and obtaining information, women use the sites to make connections, socialize and share their personal life aspects.
Harvey, G. (2007) Social Networking, The Pros and Cons of Social Networks. Ezine articles. Retrieved from,-The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Social-Networks&id=683823 on May 12, 2011
Segal, J. (2009). The Pros and Cons of Social Networking sites. Article Alley Retrieved from on May 12, 2011
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