Remarks by President Obama on Fiscal Policy
The entire president’s speech was all about persuading people on what they were supposed to do so that they should retain and develop the economy of the country. The main idea or the purpose of the speech was to provide directions on how the economy should be made better. With Obama’s speech, in order to deal with fiscal issues which has affected most of the countries the level of spending should be increased with lowering taxes. Cutting down taxes should enable the household spending which increases the level of speeding per the household. The entire idea of the speech was to persuade the citizens on what they are supposed to do. The president was successful in his persuasion speech simply because he tried to provide examples of how the economy has been developed through support provided by the rich. With the help of enabling the economy is stable new technologies has been developed making hundreds of people get employment, (The white house, 2011).
The speech was geared towards passing certain information on what should be done so as to have a developed economy. One of the main points that the president pointed out in the speech is the issue of cutting and spending. What has made America so strong and successful is due to the fact that they have established a strong security panel in all areas of survival. Each and every individual should have the spirit of commitment and contribution simply because that is what has enabled the country to operate well in the last decades. Due to the emergency deficit which was a must to be dealt with, the government took special directions which enabled the economy to be dealt with effectively. Application of practical problems that students learn in the class enabled the president’s speech to have numerous audience and especially the college students. Discussing issues that the economy learning environment prepares students for enabled the speech to make sense to the college members, (The white house, 2011).
Given the audience analysis of our class set up, there is always a negative and a positive response. There are some individuals who might have supported the ideas behind speech since of the usefulness and the applicability of the arguments but on the other hand there are reluctant group who might respond to the arguments in a negative manner. Due to the classes that are present in our class, similarly the speech be responded. Since even the broader audience have same settings with some of our class audience, their responses will be similar. The broader audience might respond different simply because they might want to play part on the economy development, (The white house, 2011).
The president introduced his speech by making funny comments and acknowledging the entire participants. He pointed out the main reason for the speech thus creating the audience awareness of what they were expecting. In the main speech he pointed out some of the strategies that should be deployed so as to enable the economy to stand. On the conclusion, he pointed some of the benefits that the country has benefited from the economy. The president interacted with students and key people in the economy so as to drive the seriousness of the matter. This enabled the audience to point some of benefits hence deploy their interest on that, (The white house, 2011).
The white house. (2011). Remarks by President on Fiscal Policy; April 13, 2011. Retrieved from, president-fiscal-policy, on May 4, 2011
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