Research Paper: Dealing With Conflicts Of Ethics
Research Paper: Dealing With Conflicts Of Ethics
Resolving conflict of ethics
Healthcare organizations should focus on documenting and developing a procedure that deals with conflicts of ethics in cases when they arise(Turoldo, 2009, pp1197). This duty of resolving conflict can be assigned to a particular group within the healthcare organization. This ethical committee can comprise of members of the board, managers, or leaders. One of the healthcare staff members should be part of the committee. In addressing ethical conflicts the three methods can be used. These methods are the ten-step method, ethical check list and key question method. The Golden rule has been one of the commonly used methods for resolving conflict on ethics in world religions(Moss, & Dobson, 2006, p 284). The ethical checklist methods deal with ways of addressing ethical dilemmas especially when making decisions and implementing an action plan. The ten-step method is essential for decision making. This method was developed by Doug Wallace and Jon Pekel. It has five features which are highly competitive, of global perspective, practical, and has a rapid change in modern environment of business. The third method deals with the twelve questions that can be used in addressing ethical conflict (Morrison, 2010, p 12).
How individual ethics affect professional decision making
One’s values are aspects that are important to an individual. These values determine what is wrong and what is right. Values are therefore, related to ethics. Ethics determine how an individual behave or act in a manner that is consistent with what is moral or right. Ethics determine the implication of people’s behaviors or interaction with other members of the organization, societies or in a group. Organizations define what is wrong and right to the staff members. This can lead to conflict due to the fact that an individual can be having strategic issues that are complex and obscure in his personal ethics. Conflict can also arise when there is competition for the scarce position, power, or resources. Ethics within the organization can be jeopardized as a result of loyalties that conflicting. This results to ones individual ethics affecting the making of professional decisions(Ulrich, Hamric, & Grady, 2010, pp 20).
Morrison, E. E. (2010). Ethics in health administration: A practical approach for decision makers (2nd Ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, p 12
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