Semester Film

Semester Film

James Francis Cameron is a Canadian film producer, film director, editor- visual artists, screen writer and interestingly a deep-sea explorer. He was born on August, 16, 1954, in Kapuskasing, Ontario.  He is now considered as a top-tired director of his generation in the way he reshaped the Hollywood movie of the 1980s and 1990s.  This is through his string of lucrative and million dollar films well known for combining human sentiment with technical wizardry.  Right from a young age, Cameron was fascinated with movie.  Right from a young ages Cameron made an effort to be best in class and other activities. His childhood became the principal foundation of overcoming obstacles, an aspect that has made him all through his adult life.  He has said that his early influences were Stanley Kubrick’s A Space Odyssey (2001).

In 1971, Cameron’s father moved to southern California with his family and Cameron joined California State University to study physics. After graduation, Cameron had made up his mind to take up a film career. He had to support his early screenwriting effort by working as a truck driver. The major films of Cameron include Terminator, Rambo, The Abyss, Aliens, True Lies, and Terminataor2: judgment day, Sanctum, Dark Angle and Spider Man, Titanic and Avatar. He has also produced a chain of underwater documentaries.  The main  recurring themes in Cameron’s film mainly revolves around  humanity  being in conflict with technology,  strong female characters,  the corporate greed and  its dangers  and subplot of  strong romance. James Cameron movies have been written based on the social, cultural, and economic circumstances. For  example, in the  movie Terminator 2; Day of judgment  is to rewrite the social wrongs  through giving a  voice  to the  disfranchised  and  the absent in an effort to restore the patriarchy in the society.

His recent movies such as Avatar present the issues of postmodernism, such as the conflict between technology and humanity.  There is also the demystification of gender roles by giving women the position of a hero in doing things that were culturally considered being for males. This theme can be seen in the movie Dark Angle. The films also show the themes of socio-cultural and economic position.

The main style in Cameron’s films is the sci-fi film that combines aspects of science and   fiction. Cameron’s style of directing has become a significant influence within the whole film   industry. Throughout his life, James Cameron is always expectantly, looking ahead and warily. This is an aspect that makes him choose his art form of movies both artistically and technologically. His movies are inviting the viewers into a perilous world of things to come.  In the film, the Terminator (1984), he leaves the fate of the world in the hands of ordinary   people such as the waitress.

His message here is that any person has a responsibility to   undertake in this world.  Also, anyone can decide to die or live as seen in the movie Titanic.  He has also showed that computers cannot only develop sharp –edge images, but provide organic looking forms as for the case in the film The Abyss. The Liquid-metal man in this movie is in T2 form, and there is a CG caricature. This shows his   ability to stretch his physics knowledge and rules into telling a story.

Part 11 Avatar

Unlike Cameron’s previous movies, the Avatar   is a movie that presents a whole new revolution.  He presented much technology in the use of digital manifesto.  The cameras in this movie enhance the images into a virtual world and mainly pushed the movie industry into adopting the digital 3-D format.  Viewers through this format experience the actual images in an exotic and a new Pandora world never seen before. This is a planet characterized by elegant, blue and tall people called the Na’vi.  Ameren makes use of fancy tools. The images of this movie are in a hyper speed. This show a new way in which virtual set can be reset and it are an aspect that exists   in the director’s mind and camera. This gives the movie especial effects shots.  The visual effects can be seen through Cameron’s dreaming of visions and makes use of the viewers fears and aim at convincing the viewers that it is possible for them to happen. This makes the movie be a bit creepy through is noteworthy effects.  Thousands of images are created based on different photographs from Adobe Photoshop Light room. Characters are developed by use of photorealistic computer-generated technologies based on new motion capture animation.

Part II. I choose Cameron James because his work has impacted on the movie industry not only in the past, but even today (The Daily Telegraph, 2009).

The Daily Telegraph (2009) Avatar: James Cameron deserves the Worst Lefty Award. Retrieved from

On  December  6th 2012

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