Social Networking Site And Modernization
Social network is a social structure which is composed of organizations or groups of individuals who are connected by various factors of every day life such as friendship, common interest and financial exchange. Social networking sites are generally made up of a representation of each individual which contains information which my interest those with similar characteristics. Most social networking sites are web based and the present opportunities to the members to share ideas and events with others who are sharing the same site. Examples of global social, networking sites are twitter and face book which provide quite a variety of information to members most of who posses the same interest. Although the sites are quite useful in reuniting friends, the implications of hiding ones entity has led to intense damage being inflicted on marriages and the workplace as members of the social sites are allowed to freely express themselves about anything. Thus, the social sites have revolutionized the social circles to develop more modernized attributes which are regarded as postmodern.
Statistics on social networking sites
By the end of the year 2008, people were communicating via social sites more frequently than via emails. The global social sites accounted for 66.8% access by members all over the world where information and ideas on major issues were exchanged. This growth of social membership also led to increased participation in as well as increased time spent in the social networking sites such that more people confirmed their addiction while other sought solace in the presence on virtual friends. Facebook is the fastest growing social site after recording a membership increase of 566% in that year alone. However, most of the members of Facebook have been noted to be past their college years and this makes the site more than just a socializing base but a place where business ideas can be exchanged. The other social site which is doing equally well is Myspace after posting revenue of 41 billion as compared to $300 million made by Facebook.
Features of social networking sites
Most social networking sites allow their members to crate profiles fro themselves which can be either restricted to internal networking or external so that the demographic characteristic of associates may be identified. The profile includes a photo of the individual though not necessarily showing the physical attributes of the owner. This is quite tricky as some people have developed techniques of using other people’s photos in the site. Similarly, others integrate completely different pictures such that it would be difficult to identify the owner if you met them in real life.
This feature of social networking sites presents a chance for individuals to fake their identities in terms of physical appearance.A fake identity may be aimed at achieving various objectives among them fraud such that the individual who lies about his/her identity fleeces other people’s banks as they may have established a deceiving profile. Some individuals fake their backgrounds as well as other personal information so that they can access information form others as they pose as good Samaritans or as law enforcers. Therefore, the profile feature in social networking sites proves to be a complex item which should be handled with care and members of any site should take precautions to avoid revealing their information to strangers.Most members of various social networking sites usually adopt the postmodern concept of generating an image which portrays them in the most appropriate way possible so that they are able to attract the intended appeal. This aspect falsifies the reality of what is available but rather presents as modified profile which is socially acceptable as it possess all the respectable qualities as the negative aspects are not included.
Occasionally, the topics that are discussed by members of social networks are based on daily events or issues which affect all members of the site such that all of them are able to comment and share. Although not all people are knowledgeable in the topic, some adopt imaginary concepts and present them so that they are not left out of the discussion.The postmodern era is often exemplified by presence of virtual identities which are present in the social networking sites as well as abstract cultures which are not traceable. These social networking sites have contributed to conversion of the entire world into one large global village which is a significant feature of the postmodern era. Consequently, the aspect of all members of the social group getting involved in the same discussion or else when discussing events that affect the whole world such as the earthquake in Haiti enables them to loose cultural identity so that they can fit. The modern era regards individuals who do not darn their culture as traitors hence the social networking sites provide evidence of the move towards postmodern times.
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