Software Testing

Testing oracle

Oracle is used by testers of software to determine software failure or success. It usually entails both ends testing of all the application and any supporting facilities to make sure that it meets the set requirements and perform to the expectations. It compares the test system output.Some benefits attached with oracle testing in regard to effective software testing include:

  • Efficiency in time and cost. They are easy to use hence no need to use manual testers due to availability of test cycles that are more efficient and effective.
  • Enhances application that is quality and high performance.
  • There is improvement in visibility and control in the process of testing.

Risk-Based Functional Testing

This is a test which basically comes up as a result of analysis of risk which should not only major on risks of high level but also those of low level emanating from the software itself. More emphasis is put on trying to find how a system is vulnerable by executing a test whose aim is to check the weak points of the system. It can also be used to expose any signs that might indicate existence of vulnerabilities.

Differences between progression testing and regression testing

Progression testing refers to running of tests which have never been done earlier while regression testing involves verifying of functionalities which already exist.In progression testing one’s work is seen to be going ahead but on the other hand with regression testing the work is stagnant because it is like one is doing revision on already done work.Progression testing gives a transition that is seamless from features that are new to a cumulative inventory of regression tests in order for the tests can go ahead with functionality.

Integration testing

It can also be referred to as integration and testing. It is a stage in software testing whereby many software modules are grouped together and then they are tested as one in a group. It is usually done after unit testing but before system testing is done. Integration testing is done just like the input modules as tested in the unit testing, it then makes bigger groups of them and then tests them as stated in the integration test plan.

It then delivers what it comes up with as an integrated system which is the system tested.The goals of integration testing include functional, reliability and performance requirement verification which is placed on design items that are major. It basically works as a building block whereby assemblages that are verified are then added to a base that is verified then used in support of the integration testing of further assemblages.

Atomic System Function

Abbreviated as (ASF) and is an action that can be observed at the system level in terms of port input and output events. Usually it begins with an event in port input. It then passes through one or more MM-paths and then ends with an event in port output. In viewing it at the system level there seems to be no basis to reduce it into smaller levels of details; this is at its smallest level and this brings about the atomicity nature.

The role of Atomic System Function

They represent the relation and connection between integration and system testing whereby they are the largest to be tested in integration and the smallest to be tested during system testing.

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