States and The Politics
In the recent years, the American economy has changed drastically, especially for the last like 100 years or so. In almost all ways, work involves an aspect of usefulness and respectability. Work to any given organization is the use of energy for the purpose of overcoming resistance. In the American working place, much change in work has occurred as results of socially and culturally learning from various socializing agents. As these changes continually occurred, so was work in America shifting across various ranks in the social ladder. As a result, the usefulness of organizational culture is now well founded and the values of any given organization form the basis of any corporate culture (Keller 1997). In a generalized definition, values are considered as the enduring beliefs, traditions and practices concerning an individual and society or organization’s desirability of modes of conduct as well as ways by which people co-exist. The reason for the application of values in culturally, personally, institution-wise, and organizationally is because they fit in all aspects of life where people come together especially in controlling how they conduct and work towards a centralized goal (Keller 1997). In the American system, values have continually had impact on the way people view their work as well as how they view their jobs and the organization they work for hence influencing the organization’s culture.
An organization’s working culture contributes to its productivity and this has the effect of contributing to the country’s economy especially where labor is complemented by increased capital and input. The employees’ attitude towards work is another factor that has continually experienced growth in the American work system as this is viewed to affect productivity and hence affecting the economy. This is mainly the case for short term productivity, and results to the establishment how the workplace is organized and run by management.
The establishment of a working culture or organizational culture is not such an easy task especially when focusing on a given direction. Despite the consistency in doing things and the assumptions and functioning of organization concept, much still need be done to be defined within work culture. Any given organizations in the recent past in America forms activities related to a given work and each activity has a meaning within the norms and values of that organization. On the other hand, an organization must define its goals, and objectives, managerial roles, technology human and material resources necessary to contribute to its growth. In any organization, where employees have been viewed to have needs, knowledge, and expectations and the organizational and individual culture interacts for long to form roles, norms and values for any given work (Keller 1997).
With economic restructuring in America, stratification of the work place resulted to work segmentations which categorized industries into classes consisting of different arrangements in work and opportunity structures. In addition, the work environment for most of the organization’s also acquired stratifications with some jobs belonging to the senior managements and the others for everyone else. As a result, works and opportunities in most organization’s has turned out to be different as explained by institutional and Marxist economics which claim that a few individuals are responsible for the staggering resources with certain institutions and firms continually dominating the economy and the rest remaining in isolation and this affects the outcomes of the labor market (Keller 1997).
To eliminate such problems to the American worker, I recommend that the institute for policy studies regulates the number of corporations controlling the quarter of the world’s economy as well as an increase in the number of world’s population working for such firms.
Keller, S., Light, D., & Calhoun, C., (1997).Sociology. McGraw-Hill. USA.
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