Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson aged 33 was among the five men who were appointed on June 11, 1776 with the mandates of drafting “Declaration of independence,” which was a guide to change the human history of the American colonies. In a period of two weeks he was through with the draft which was presented for approval and was made correct and Jefferson was declared the man of the time. It is through challenges that Thomas had gone through which gave him influence of exposing freedom and thus he was able to write the draft accordingly. It can be traced back in Anglo Celtic lineage some of the factors which led Thomas in drafting the declaration of independence in the American colonies.

Thomas Jefferson played a major role in his age of 33 when he committed himself in drafting declaration of American independence. There are numerous abuses which colonies practiced and have great effect to individuals. With the help of some men, Thomas was able to put up some abuses which led to the justification of American independence. The draft which Thomas drafted was solely directed justification of people’s right so that they could get their independence from their colonies. The root of the draft was to provide balance between the governed and the government. Each and every activity which was to take place should be balance so that no side should be seen to have power than the other. According to the draft, anything which undermines the agreement of the parties was abomination and should be done away with, (Primary Documents in American History, 1776).

In the same line of the draft, John Locke one of the English Philosopher, he said that the government should be the one which protects the rights of an individual. According to Thomas when the government is unable to gibe individual’s full protection to their rights, then the government is not in a position to govern. The best action which the governed should take when the government fails is to rebel and form another government which believed to provide protection. When the government subverts such a situation it is believed that it goes against the nature of God. With that context, Thomas had some foundation where he laid his argument and was able to make some sound information which helped him to draft the declaration document. In the declaration, when the governed have suffered due to a certain government or leader, they have the authority to throw it over and form a new one, (Primary Documents in American History, 1776).

Thomas being a scholar was able to provide information which showed that the government of British had violated the political contract of the governed. This was not easy for he had to provide evidence how the British had violated that contract. To some point, his grievances were not considered because he was shown as a threat to the colonies. In his argument, Thomas emphasized that all men are created equal and thus there was no point of making others slaves. With the aspect that all men are created equally, Thomas provided some rights that an individual is entitle such as life, pursuit of happiness and liberty. With his argument, all individuals are entitled to those rights and whenever any government tries to destruct them, the governed have the right to abolish and form a new government. This was the main foundation of Thomas which helped him to draft the declaration document effectively, (Higginbotham, 1977).

When the government goes beyond individual rights, it shows that they will violate the contact which will make the governed lack safety and happiness. With his argument, he believes that a free country is that which is capable to exercise balance of power and thus be able to maintain harmony in the community. One of the rights which Thomas emphasized that should be followed by the government is “contact alliances.” His arguments were revolving around the rights of man from the Creator where any one can not go against the will of God. In his draft, he insisted why the individuals were rebellious to the countries which were exercising colonialism in their country and to the whole world. Although the main aim of the Thomas work was to justify the American independence, it also provided some information on human nature, how the government should conduct itself in the community and the role of an individual, (Higginbotham, 1977).

Before Thomas drafted the declaration, individuals were oppressed and were not given the freedom of exercising their rights. The constitution provided guidelines as to what the government should do and what it should not do. Constitution prevented individuals from misuse of powers by the leaders. Unlike before the constitution, the government should realize that all men are equal and that they have equal chances of being treated in the right way without depriving any one or government exercising more power to the society. The amendments provided directions of what is supposed to be done between both parties. Individuals are provided with information of what they are entailed to, what freedom they have and the limits which they are not supposed to go, (Higginbotham, 1977).

The constitution and the amendments provides procedures which should be followed incase any mistake have arose so that not to abuse individuals. Ethics provides a way or the grounds which should be used incase of certain action which is believed not to be good have occurred. In any setting, abuse of power or discriminating some people their rights is one of the mistakes that the leaders can do. In our case ethics comes in the aspect of providing individuals their rights and doing what was right, (Primary Documents in American History, 1776).

Evidence is shown that Thomas played a major role in ensuring that American got their independence. Jefferson’s declaration provided grounds on which individuals and the government should live thus ensure each party comply with the rules. On the other hand, the declaration does not only helped in getting independence but also provided historic insightful document which scholars use to understand the early politics. With the ideas of Thomas the colonial empire was able to understand that it was going against the will of the community. On the other hand, the declaration provided information to the society so as to understand their rights.


Higginbotham, D. (1977). The war of American independence: military attitudes, policies, and practice, 1763-1789. Indiana University Press
Primary Documents in American History. (1776). Declaration of independence. Retrieved from on November 4, 2010

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