Applying to The University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
The University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences offers students with various programs. It offers bachelors, masters and doctorate programs. I want to attend the University of the pacific Thomas .J. long school of pharmacy and health sciences to pursue a pharmacy degree. The university has unique characteristics unlike other universities and this will make me achieve my dream. The University of the Pacific Thomas. J. Long school of pharmacy and health sciences offers a student centered learning environment. The environment enables students to achieve the best. The university main aim is to help students perform better in health careers like pharmacy. This is by providing conducive environment for learning. In addition, the university supports various activities to help students achieve their dreams in health care. For example, the university supports students in their research work so as to help the student perform better (The University of Pacific, 2010).
Also, the university helps students develop leadership skills and strong commitment to their careers. The university works together with other medical centers and teaching hospitals to support education programs in the institution. This makes it easy for students to acquire a wide range of experience (The University of Pacific, 2010).
The university has other satellite regions apart from the main campus. Students spend their final year in the satellite regions. Examples of the satellite regions are San Francisco and Palo. Moreover, the university has experimental learning opportunities that help students relate theory to practice. Lastly, the university has developed several programs that help support intercultural learning and diversity in the institution. The qualities above make the university the best place to pursue a pharmacy degree (The University of Pacific, 2010).
The University of Pacific. ThomasJ.LongSchool of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Retried from on 3/08/2010.
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