Using the Literature to Learn about Nursing Practice.

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Table of Contents

Name of assignment: Using the Literature to Learn about Nursing Practice. Purpose: This assignment builds on the searching and writing skills you learned in the previous course.The purpose of this assignment is to use the findings from your literature review to identify and discuss what the nurse’s role is in relation to your chosen question.

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Thus you are being asked to answer ONE of the following questions: (1) What strategies cannurses use to promote healthy aging in terms of falls prevention? (2) What strategies can nurses use to promote the health and well-being of families with a chronically ill child?
(3) What determinants of health can nurses consider when providing education to vulnerable populations?
(4) What strategies can nurses use to promote culturally safe care?

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Use what you have learned from the literature to write a 5page double-spaced paper. After adding a title page and reference list, your paper will be 7 pages in total. Using online databases, students will search for, read and incorporate what they have learned froma minimum of 3 articles from peer- reviewed journals (dated 2003-2013). Credible or trustworthy websites such as Statistics Canada, Health Canada and the World Health Organization are also appropriate resources. These other credible resources would be in addition to the 3 scholarly articles that you have already chosen.

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1. Search for and select a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journal articles about your topic. You can use a variety of online databases such as CINAHL or MEDLINE to find your peer-reviewed journal articles. In addition to these articles you may also use textbook and credible website resources. In the beginning or introduction section of your paper, rememberto include the databases and key search words you used to help you find your journal articles. Be sure to also state the question you intend to answer and what your conclusion paragraph focuses on.
2. Read your selected resource materials carefully and highlight key ideas in those resource materials that you feel are important to discuss in your paper.

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3. Be sure to include a conclusion paragraph where you revisit the purpose and summarize the key points of your paper.
4. Be sure to give credit where credit is due by referencing all of your resource materials in the body of your paper and listing them in greater detail in the reference list. Make sure that any resource material that you cite in the body of your paper is included in your reference list!
General Formatting Instructions:
a) No abstract is required
b) Headings are required (1-2 level headings are recommended) c) Your title page should include:
a. a running head and page number
b. the title of the assignment
c. for the purposes of this assignment, instead of your name, please include your ID number and section number
d. institutional affiliation

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d) Be sure that your margins, font size and font type, citations in the body of your paper, and reference list are also formatted using APA 6th edition styling Required Resource for APA formatting:
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6thed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Recommended Resource for APA formatting:
André, S., & Low, G. (2009). American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition: Referencing tips. Edmonton, AB .

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