
Online marketing

Table of Contents


              This paper  presents  the relationship  between ethical  concerns of  personal information  and  online  marketing. The issue of credibility, confidentiality and   privacy will be briefly discussed.  Online marketing has been steadily growing in the recent past. The relationship  between  internet development  and  online  marketing are strongly linear. However,  security concerns  particularly its  impact  on  online  buying and selling are much  more complex because of the strongly conditioned cultural  and  country specific.


Online marketing is  also referred  to as  web-marketing,  search engine marketing, e marketing  and in marketing. Online  marketing  simply deals  with  marketing of  services and  products  over the internet.  The development of the internet has brought media to a global audience.  The nature  of  internet  marketing  specializes  with interaction which  provides  instant response  and  eliciting  response  as a unique  interaction  medium.Online  marketing   is  a  broad  scope  because  it  does not only refer  to email, internet and  wireless media  but it includes  management of   electronic  customer  relation  and customer  date  management  system.

Online  marketing  binds  together  technical  and  creative  aspects  of the internet  which include  designing,  advertising,  sale  as development. Internet  marketing  deals  with  placement  of media  in  various  stages  of customer  engagement  cycle. Through, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing, email marketing ,  banner  ads  on  specific  websites  as  Web  2.0  uses  internet communication  between  individual  costumers  and recipients  rather   than  being  an  organization  marketing  to masses  of consumers. Therefore,  online  marketing  has  now become efficient  to an individual to gain  any  information  and transact online business.  This is because the use of the internet  allows  a social network  that is  easy  and  quick  to disseminate  information.  Security of ones personal information becomes a subject of concern to online marketing.


Attitude towards use of personal information online  marketing

          Personal information  can  be  classified  in two abroad  scopes.  There is  the hard information  which is linked  to identifying  an individual  and the data  given  are very sensitive.  Hard information  is  unique  to an individual.  Soft information  on the other hand generally describes  an individual .  The particulars  are less  sensitive  in  soft information.  People  are aware   of the risks involved  in  regard  to personal  wellbeing  and  safety. There is the risk of identity theft  , financial  loss, and fraud,  damage  of reputation,  exposure to unwanted communication  an  invasion  of  privacy. Attitudes  toward  the use of  internet  transaction  have  been  influenced  by perception of  risk such  as  distinction  between interpersonal  transactions  and  online  transactions.

There  is the belief that privacy  breaches  are inevitable. There is  the risk  of unspecified  fears,  magnitude  of the perceived  risk  relational  difference  and  risk  as  a trade  off  for convenience. An  analysis  done  by Louise in  2008 indicated  that data  has  shown  that  large  web  companies  are learning  about people more than  ever  before.  This is through  what the people  do  and search  for on the internet.  These  companies  gather  clues  about the preferences  and tastes  of  a  common users each  day of the  month.  The companies  utilize  their information  to foresee  the future advertisement  and  content  people  are most likely to view (Louise,  2008) .  Advertisings  executives  then  presents their data  of  amount  of consumer  data  to internet  companies.

This shows  that the issue of  privacy in  the internet  is  no longer true which  opposes  a  Famous  New  York  dog cartoon  of  1993  which  one  of  the dog  says  to the other  that   that on  the internet,  nobody knows that  you are a dog. Privacy advocators have in  the past raised  awareness  of the practices  of internet  companies  .  The companies  trail  people  data  from the internet  and  then  analyze  them  to predict  people’s  next step. Therefore, the internet users  who surf  for hotels  airlines  and  iron  supplement  will  constantly receive  ads on  the  screen  revealing  these  industries.Consumers are not  normally aware of the  great extent  about data  collection online because  it is invisible  to them. The advertising companies  do not flash  on  screen  that  they are collecting  information  entered  by the visitors on their sites. The companies  are intrinsically connected  to consumer data  even the sites  have  policies  in  place  to protect  personal information  such  as  consumers  information  from  the advertisers.

The companies connect consumer data  codes  and at the same  time  identify their computers  more than  their names.   Web  companies  which market their products and  services in the past could monitor actions  of consumers  only on their own  site.  But in  the recent past years, internet giants  have  spend their research  by becoming the intermediaries  of  placing  ads  on  thousands  of websites.  The giants  can  now  follow  people’s  activities on  far more sites. Large  companies  like  Gmail, Microsoft, and  Yahoo have  acquired  a  number of companies  that have  rich  consumer data. Web companies  also collect data  of these  people  who spend more time  on the internet.  America  web  users were estimated  to be  14.6  billion  people  in  the summer of 2006.

This number has risen by this year  because of the high  development of the internet  which is  available  to all  Americans  (COM Score, 2010).  The web  companies  also can  collect more data  with the increased  time  people spent on the internet. They will  therefore, have  more information  transmitted  to them while  the occasional users  will  have  less  transmitted  about them. The customers  voluntary offer their details  when registering  for email or sites  service. And in  doing so the sites  are given  permission  to enter  people  network  pages. Hence they can  establish  their interest  and  know  their user  names. Some  companies  have  policies  that  protect  computer  identification  address   while  some  do not. AOL lets  people  opt out of  ads  targeting them .  Google  lets  users  edit the search  histories  of its  visitors ,  Yahoo aims  at  protecting  peoples  computer  identification addresses that connect to search results.  Microsoft does  not link  any of its visitor’s  behaviors  to their user’s names even  if they are registered  parties.

Ethical concerns

A  study conducted in  California  in  2007  indicated that 85% of  adults  thought that sites  should  not be  allowed  to track  their actions  around  the web so that they can  be  shown  ads (Samuelson Law,  2007). Internet ethics  has become  a  major concern in   day to day  life.  Privacy over the internet  has  raised  ethical  issues  needed  to be dealt with.  There is  need  for implementation of  ethics  as  every internet user’s desires  privacy. Privacy is  a  state  by which an individual can  work  on  his/her  information  without  fear of  being  prayed  upon. One  can  work in  seclusion  which  results  in  selective  revelation of  one’s information  and  details .  Privacy also means  anonymity.  The concept of privacy is related  to the aspect of security  of  information  and the individual himself. The invasion of  privacy  can be prevented  through  privacy  laws. The internet  has  given  rise  to the concept of information  privacy. The internet host enormous information  based on  need  of security.  It is undesirable  for one  to gain access into unauthorized  information.  The  privacy of data  deals  with  the association  between  legal  rights  and technology related  to it.  Any storage  of  ones  personal  data  and information call  for  privacy.

Internet  privacy  deals with the control  that  one  will have  over  information  about   oneself and  the information that one  wishes  to disclose.  Internet privacy therefore deals  with  controlling  the access  to information  over the internet.(,2010).  The use of the internet  comprises  the use of  social  networks, browsing various  websites  and using  email  facilities. Internet privacy has  a role to play  especially when  the  website  users  give  personal  details on  the internet. In  marketing websites,  one  can  shop and  this will  require  users  to  input  their  credit  card  numbers.  In  other mailings  sites  there is  an  option  as  to whether one  can  allow third  party to read  or store emails  without any informed  consent. This gives  rise  to privacy concern especially when  it comes to third  party being  allowed to track  visitors  on a  website.  Another privacy concern issue is when the site  gathers  personally identified  information from  users  which  are stored  or shared.  Computer privacy can  be  considered  as  a  subset of  internet privacy.  Computer  privacy deals with the avoidance of  improper disclosure of  personally identifiable  information  stored  and  collected  by websites.

It becomes  a real challenge  to effectively share  data  while  protecting private information. Controversies  have  arisen  as  to whether or not there is the existence  of  internet  privacy.  One  group  advocates  for the necessity  of internet  privacy while  another group  denies  the whole  idea  of  internet  privacy. Anonymity  over the internet  is  not the intention of internet  privacy but rather  it is  an  aim of  achieving  controlled  disclosure  of  ones personal information.  A  user of the internet is  connected  at all  times  to the network  by which,  he  /she  can  be  identified  by an  address. This is because  the internet is  a  network of  networks. An identification  address  is  known as an  IP  address. A website  may  want to track the IP addresses of its  users  for security reasons which it can collect  information which is non personal.  Such  information  should  be  the soft  information  which  cannot be  used  to uniquely identify a  person. Disclosure of  any  such information is  ethically acceptable  because this is the means  by which  such  a website  can  tract  user’s  behavior  and internet  activities.

Other  users  of the internet  prefer  using  heightened internet  security by  using  false  names  to become  anonymous in the internet.  Though  this can  be  right  for such  a person, it might endanger  other internet  users and the use of internet.  This is why  many internet  users  have  complained  of  being  stalked  by anonymous  internet  users. People are free to publicize undesired or  wrong information under false   names over the internet  . This is   because of  ones  freedom  of expression  endowed  by social  networking.  The people  are free  to discuss their opinion and  discuss  all topics   in chat rooms,  communities  , forums  and blogs.  In  such  groups  one  is  not required  to disclose  their identity.  This raises  an  ethical  concern on privacy  of  informed  consent  and  researched  subjects.  In the process of  providing  open  forum of  discussion,  there is  a  blurred border between private  and  public  spaces.

This means  that  the internet  presents  an  activity  where fake  people, can  foster  fallacies  and voice  false  opinions.  Ethical  questions  such as  ,does  internet  privacy ascertain  the privacy of the internet user? And is internet  privacy  supposed  to mean  all,  information  posted on  the   internet remain  confidential  and private? People  tread  using the  internet  such as  visiting  shopping  websites  and  online  banking  because  of the doubt  they have  concerning unauthorized  disclosure of their personal information.  This  has  lead  to using  disguise  names  when using the internet. Some  sites  are placed  on  search  results have  discussion and  opinions  of  people  concerning  a topic.  We  may ask  if  this is  ethically correct.There is  need  to come  up with  a  demarcating  line  that  clearly shows what is private  and  what is  public.  The issue of  internet privacy is very important   especially where revelation  of  individually identifiable  information  is  required to be  limited  in  cases  where  privacy  puts  the internet ethics on  a negative  perspective(Oak, 2010).

Regulation of the internet

Regulators  and  legislators  have  to step in to regulate the internet. The legislators  do  not have  to succeed  to business or mob  pressures  in  restoring the internet  to its  original  purpose.  The  internet  development has completed its  transformation  in  to a  lawless and  an  anarchic ocholocracy also known  as the mob rule. This is after the advent of  UGC –  User Generated  Content and  web  2.0. Just  like  media,  the internet is  a  mass  medium  which  has  to be regulated. This can  be  done  through  laws  that  apply offline should  also apply on  line. Legal  situation  inevitably,  varies  across  continents  and  countries.  The internet has  managed  to penetrate  at different times  and at different levels  in  different places. This therefore, means that recommendations  and  observations  are not universally applicable  and  accepted.

Legislators  and  governments in  different  localities have  tackled aspects of  cyber  space, but in  a  scanty  and  rarely fully and  satisfactory way. While is  some  nations  the cyberspace is  wide open like  the Wild  West and  its  ugly moments. Most of  the available laws  are mainly on the cyber crime which  have  been  enforced  to constrain  and prevent few illegal acts such as  child  pornography,  spammers,  spy ware, purveyors and  pernicious and  malicious misconduct.initial  steps  have  to be  followed to control  the utility of the internet. First is  to distinguish  free speech  verse  slander,  libel  and defamation. This  will involve UGC  websites,  the legal status of owners, online news sources,  search  portals  and engine,  editors,  administrators,  bulletin  boards,  groups,  lists,  wiki  and  bloging  communities  to be  equated  to  journalists  and  publishers  in  the electronic and  print media.

These  groups  should be  held legally liable  to criminal  charges  and  civil  damages  from  actions  of  defamation  posted  on their properties hosting  services  and internet  service  providers  should be  obligates  to disclose  law  enforcement  plaintiffs  and  agencies  and  full  personal  data  of  everyone  who sends  and publishes  slanderous,  harassing,  defamatory  or threatening contents  through  the internet.  This  will help  marketing companies  as they contact  their transactions  from  being  harassed  by competitors  or being  mislabeled   with  bad  connotations. Privacy is  the next step that  legislators  have  to consider.  Computer users  have  a right  which  is  embedded  under  consumer  protection  laws.  Breaching  of  ones  privacy will  also  criminal penalties to be imposed  on  perpetrators   for civil  damages to victims.  Firms  such  as online  marketers  and other individuals  who accumulate  data  of  customers,  employees,  suppliers  and users with  authority to gain  access  to them  are  obliged  to be protected  and  suffer  disguise.

The marketing  firm  would be  safe  on the data it has  and  would  be  notified  on  any incident  that  concerns  an  incident of  personal  data. failure  of  the online firm to reasonably  and  diligently  prevent  identity  should become  a criminal  offence. This will  help the consumers  whose personal  information  is at risk. Intellectual  property and copy right  laws  should  be  considerable fair  and  relaxed. This will  expand  to reflect and  accommodate  the  possibilities,  consist  and  nature of  renditions of  information.  Those  dealing  with the web;  the editors,  administrators, webmasters,  bulletin boars ,  UGC websites,  search  engines  and  so on  should  be  held  responsible  to criminal charge  and  civil  charges  arising  from infringement of copyrights  and other  intellectual  rights  send  via  the properties  if they do not take  a remedy of  comprehensively solving the problem.  Such  a law  will  save  consumers from  fraud  and  theft on  fake  companies which imitate the original  ones.

In  the case of  anonymity, a  law should  be  passed  to check  pseudonymous  and  anonymous  publishing  of  slanderous,  harassing,  defamatory  and threatening  competent on the internet through  mishaps,  emails,  wikis  or instant messages.  These  are the aspects that  should be made  illegal.  Internet  deals  should be held  responsible to obtain countries and full names  of  contributors,  registered  users  and  posters.  Providing  false  personal  data  to  blogging  communities  and  other informative sites should  be  made  a criminal offences.  This will help  an  online  marketing  retails  from  defamatory statements which will  damage the firms demand  for good  and  services.  Anti-trust  and licensing retirements  and  regulatory supervision  that  are present  in electronic and print media should  also be  applied on  the websites, lists, UGU  and  bulletin  boards.  The  internet should be  subjected  to regulation  and supervision  by relevant  government  oversight agency. There should  be laws  that truth  in  advertising  and  its misrepresentation.  The online  marketing  sites  should  have  truthfully  describe internet  properties  and  the  nature of   information  items  should be reasonable  to the user.

Other  need  include  ownerships  structure,  sources of information,  ownership  structure,  potential  and  actual  conflicts  of interest,  affiliation,  risk  associated  with  use  of internet  properties,  outstanding  law suits  and  other  pertinent  disclosures. This will  mean that  the online  marketing  sites  will, be  free  from  misrepresentations  which  should  specifically  and  explicitly outlaws caring  civil  liabilities  and  criminal  penalties. This  will at the same  time  control  criminal, stalkers,  scammers  and  big  business. Personal  information  of  consumers  such as  credit card  numbers,  debit  account  numbers,  checking  account  numbers should  be  considered as  personal information  by the marketers.  This information  should  therefore  not be  providing  to  an  advertising  agency , or rented,  sold,  transferred  or  exchanged because of the confidential nature of  social  security  numbers,  this  information  should  not be  publicly displayed  on  the websites on  direct  marketing  promotions .  Social  security  numbers should  only  used  by the relevant  markets  as part of  a  process  of extending  credit  for verification  and  matching  purposes  to consumers. (DMA,  2010)



              Marketers  should  be  sensitive  to the issue  of  consumer  privacy.  The  marketers  are responsible  to rent,  sale,  exchange, combine ,  and  use  marketing  data which  should  only be  for the purposes of  marketing. Selection and  data  criteria in  reasonable  standards  may be  considered  sensitive and intimate  and  should  not be  displayed ,  disclosed  or provided  for sale,  rental  or exchange  especially  when  is  a  reasonable  expectation  by consumer  that information is  guaranteed  to be  confidential.

Reference, (2010) ethical issue of internet privacy.  Retrieved from

  1. June 7, 2010

Oak, M(2010) ethical  issues of internet  privacy.  Retrieved from

On June 7, 2010

Direct Marketing  association(2010) Direct  marketing  associations  guidelines  for  ethical  business  practice. Retrieved  from

  1. June 7, 2010

Story, Louise and COM Score (2008). They  know  more than  you think.  Retrieved from

On June 7, 2010

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