Christian Doctrine

The doctrine of scripture is important to all the Christians because it is through the word of God that God save us and help us to grow in grace. It is through the scripture that we gain knowledge about God. The bible states that the written revelation of God to us is the scriptures. Christians in the doctrine of God believe in only one God who created the world and the one who take care of human who inhibit it. The bible states that there is only one God who is pure spirit; he is the creator of the world and all powerful.

Table of Contents

The doctrine of trinity is the belief of the Christian that there is one God who is the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. The bible teaches that Christians should worship only God. In the doctrine of providence Christians believe that God preserves, enables and governs. The bible states that it is through him, to him and from him that are all things. The Christian doctrine of election explain that according to the grace and will of God and his own purpose, have chosen those who are going to receive salvation. The bible states that “many are called but a few are chosen” (Guthrie, S 1994).

The doctrine of fall of man and sin is the transition of man from a state of obedience, innocence to God to a state of disobedience, guilty to God. In the bible God warns people of the consequences that await them because of sinning. The doctrine of Christ our mediator states that people who do not abide by it do not have God and the one who abides by it have both the Son and Father. The bible states that a person who does not abide to this doctrine shouldn’t be greeted or welcomed to the house of God.

The doctrine of regeneration is the origin of a new personal existence. The bible states that regeneration happens when a person know that they are lost and then repent their sin to God. The doctrine of repentance is where a sinner is convicted and convinced of his sinfulness and his lost condition. The bible says that we should repent and believe the gospel. The doctrine of faith states that through the grace of God we receive salvation by faith in only Christ. The bible states that “through faith in his son, we need to grow in grace and the knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ” (Guthrie, S 1994).

The doctrine of justification is on the understanding of the way of God of salvation. The doctrine of sanctification means to make holy and the bible states that no person who is accountable shall enter heaven without being sanctified. The doctrine of church states that the church is a congregation of believers associated by covenant in fellowship of gospel and faith.  The doctrine of Lord’s Supper explains that it hold a special place to those people who trace their origin to the outward insignificance. The doctrine of resurrection states that if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ did not rise and the preaching is also in vain just like faith. The doctrine of the last judgment is the last event to the second coming of Christ.


Guthrie, S (1994). Christian doctrine Westminster John Knox Press

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