Pay Systems

  1.   Performance appraisal system is a strategy which can sustain and improve employee’s performance.  The systems first have to be effective and should be approved by all the users before it is implemented and developed. The system has to first clearly show how and when a person become eligible to receiving a rewards based on their performance.  The use of performance based reward system has not been  well received by different organizations mainly due to the fact that the system cannot well work on its own but has to be integrated with other sources of appraisal for it to become useful such sources include goal setting, performance feedback, 360 degree appraisal and procedural justice (Lee, 1983, pp 322-331).

Table of Contents

The advantage of  a broadband pay system as compared  to the tradition compensation systems are as follows: the system is effective in creating a harmonious  culture among the team  members because the pay does not reflect on the performance role thus will not tamper with the morale of the staff members which away results to poor performance.  The system offers no gap in the levels of payment among employees the broadband pay system also encourages high tech talent which is a source of the business competitiveness. For the traditional remuneration system, the workers who are high-tech wish to have higher pay or go to other businesses or to be promoted. This sense of special treatment required by the high-tech employees is likely to hinder the development of a given business.

The broadband system offer the same treatment in terms of salary scale will mean that the high-tech employees receive the same payment as the managers which will allow them to focus of the level of technical performance in order to enhance business performance with the aim of excelling in ones career. The system also does not make the company to discriminate against the employees based on the work they do. The broadband pay system is flexible and can respond to any change. This is because the process would not be cumbersome when the company is affected by the issue of supply and demand.  Such changes are easy to adjust in this system because the large scale span is within the same pay scale and all what needs o be done is to adjust the hierarchy without having to affect the   whole salary system (Parus,, 1998, 40-42.)

Some of the limitations of a broadband pay system are that drawing the pay scale is difficult.  The degree of compression with in a specific job classification s comprises of number of posts and definition between two different targets. Another disadvantage is that there is alack of awareness of the external market rate.  The stem is also likely to lead to inequality. This is because the broad banding trusts and flexibility is carried to by the management and this may or may not be warranted. The systems also lack promotions and reduce the opportunities of getting promotions. The system also has the disadvantage of lack of cost control (Martocchio, 2001).

2.   The strategic planning of an organization is essential in ensuring the assessment of employee’s performance. The executive and mangers have to make efforts of ensuring the performance of e employees is driven towards achieving the organizational goals. They have to understand that performance is not a thing which happens out of nothing but something which is planned for constantly discussed and developed constantly.  In order to achieve the desired performance levels on the management process of performance on employees, they managers should embraces accountability in the process.

They should focus on the relationship between  the executive and the managers in order to provide honest feedback, coaching and effective communication channel. Assessment of employees serves as an instrument of improving the general performance in the organization. Evaluation also provides feedback on how supervisors and the employees are fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities. The evaluations process also gives clarity of the expectations required of the supervisors and employees roles.

The general goal of assessing and evaluating employees at  both the worker and department level is to determine the accessibility of the employees, his or her responsiveness to other  employees and supervisors ideas and suggestions, where they can provide enough  time and information in carrying out and competing an assigned task and the  whether the employees  provides a sense of  team work in the  respective department he or she  in. assessment of   an employees in the department level is findings out the main details carryout  by the worker but  a worker based evaluation is a more general form to provide information of  any  employee irrespective of  the department one is in.

3.  Many organizations are currently struggling with employee training. Training of employees is an important aspect to the organization is ensuring there is more productivity and to update the employees with the most current technologies and innovations to help in boosting the business competitiveness. Such skills include software programs, adopting new and effective technologies, improving leadership and gaining customer skills in order to improve competitiveness of the organization. Along side competitiveness, the employee’s moral will improve which will make them to be loyal to the company. This in return reduces the rate of employee turn over.

Through training the company can provide training/ education reimbursement which will require the trained employees to stay in the company. Employees feel valued when the firm invests in them. Tuition reimbursement is considered as one of the best strategy to be used by the organization on recruiting and retaining the highly talented employees in the company. Training also helps the employees in advancing their careers and employment opportunities in future. This spirit helps employees contribute and remain positive to the organizations’ vision and mission.

From the training and education given to employees they are able to come back to the organization and employ the concepts they have learned. This adds value to the company and provides the employees with a place where they can apply their knowledge in the real world.

Diversity training is to help government agency employees to understand the statutory and legal requirements of Affirmative action and Equal employment opportunity which both of the support diversity in the private and federal government.  Diversity is about identifying and appreciating the differences as well as the similarities among individuals in the society and in various levels of the organization.  Such a diversity training program contributes to richness and high quality provisions of services in the government agency buy having different approaches, views  and actions which can  be used  in teaching planning , strategic planning, in decision making  and in problem solving. Other training which can be offered to government agency  employees include training in the use of new technologies and on various  policy issues affecting them and which are continuously upgraded or changed.

There is a close relationship between training programs and employee performance. Employee performance is related to several factors in the workplaces which include knowledge, job satisfaction and management. Training is important in addressing the various challenges which employees face in the course of their work. Without training, these problems will be persistent and in the long run it will affect the performance of employees. Training will help in improving the knowledge of employees in that they will be able to perform at a much higher level. Training of employees will also mean that employees will be satisfied with their job and be confident in the activities they carry out in the work place. Training brings about innovation.

This is because with the Know-how of employees through the training they have been given, the will be able to use the knowledge framework to solve problems and to be innovative. Training helps employees to have a progress in their careers which in the long run impacts on their performance. This is because through the training on career orientation, they will know that they have a future in the organization and they will work withy high rate.

Effective trainings by the organization are those which help in putting forward goal orientation. Such training informs the employees on what they will be conducting and what is expected in the future. This will make each employee know his or her goal and will work in achieving those goals (Ingo-line guide to training evaluation, 2006, pp 145).

5.    Employee termination’s a process through which an organization puts an end to an employees  job  agonists her or his will, some of the reasons why an individual can be terminated is  lack of being  fit with the organization, poor  performances, conflict with the  manager, inability to carry out assigned duties or misconduct. The termination process of a privately held company is different from a public organization. It is important for small and large organizations to terminate employees only when the action is warranted.

The large number of American employees is governed by the doctrine of employment at will. This doctrine was developed in the anti-labor laws of the 19th century, gives the employers the right to terminate workers for any reason and at any time.  This doctrine enable the employer to fire an employee for a frivolous or grave reason some are even fired for no reason at all.

Currently in the United States, it is estimated that over 200,000 employees get fired for unjust reasons every year. Such power to terminate employees   enables employers to suppress employees and hinder their rights of speech.  There are various state and federal laws which prohibit the employees from being discriminated against ones race, nationality, sex, religion, disability, age and origin. These laws however only require the employers to treat their employees equally but they can do what they wish with their employees as long as they do not act in a discriminatory way.

Other laws passed by the state and the federal government provide protection of employees against some abuses like polygraph testing, urine testing and those against retaliation from the whistleblowers. These laws are however very limited  meaning that the  large majority of the American workforces have limited fundamental human rights such as privacy,  freedom of expression and their freedom of association.

The doctrine of employment at will does not apply to all the employees. The three main categories of employees who are not governed by the doctrine are the government employees from the local, state and federal government. These employees are protected by the Fourteenth and Fifth Amendment which restricts the government from denying a person his or her liberty or property without adhering to the procedures of the law. The legislation acknowledges that employees have a property of interest in the work they carry out and this puts restrictions of any form of dismissal which is unrelated to their performance of work.

Another group of individuals who enjoy the rights against arbitrary forms of restrictions are the union members who can only be fired due to a just cause and only when a neutral arbitrator has heard the case.  A third set of employees are the contract employees who include athletes, performers, senior executives and others. These workers work under their own individual employment contracts which provide them with protection from any unjust dismissal.  Employees working in the private sector are not protected in any way and their employees have the opportunity of dismissing them at their won wish (the American Civil Liberties Union, 2011).


Yavuz, N (2004) the use of non –monetary incentives as a motivational tool a survey study in the public organization in Turkey. Retrieved from


On April 30th 2010

The American Civil Liberties Union (2011) ACLU Briefing Paper Number 12. Retrieved from

On May 1st 2011

Lee, C. (1983). Increasing Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: Matching Task Types, Appraisal Process, and Rater Training. Academy of Management Review, 10 (2), 322-331

Martocchio, J. J. (2001). Strategic compensation (2nd Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Parus, B. (1998, July/August). Broadbanding highly effective, survey shows. ACA News 41: 40-42.

An info-line collection (2006) Info- Line Guide to Training evaluation. Edition 2 revised publisher American society training and development, pp 123

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