Gillet, Temple and Crawford in their book Understanding Reading Problems: assessment and Instruction
Gillet, Temple and Crawford in their book Understanding Reading Problems: assessment and Instruction explores the struggle that readers go through. The authors cover on the study of English as a Second Language, the special needs of student with reading problems and the approaches that can be used by teachers to assist students to become successful readers. The book is well equipped with various case studies and original vignettes. The current research that the authors have conducted are effective in suggesting modern approaches, in assessing emerging literacy of students, and multiple approaches that can be used for successful reading . The book gives a guide to various levels of reading and lexis, record assessments, stages of development and offers guidelines for helping students with special needs.
Emergent literacy according to Gillet, Temple, and Crawford represent how the children gain interest in the written print. That is, they realize that the spoken word can be written into print and not only to pictures tell the story but print as well. Assessment
It is beneficial for both the educator and the student. This is because; it helps in establishing the progress of the student and to give a signal of any change of plans.
The authors of Understanding reading problems: Assessment and Instructionindicate that students with learning difficulties have the potential of making great progress only if instructional interventions are applied. Various approaches have to be combined to establish the best suits the needs of the student. This means that the standard approaches are not appropriate to asses the development of the students. This is because, for any successful reading, educators have to use a range of approaches and reading strategies. As an educator therefore, I have to have multiple instruments and strategies that reflect the development nature and the dynamic of comprehension within the readers. With this, I can be able to analyze a student’s progress, through interaction with the environment and other external dimensions like in extra curricular activities, contents and text.
The acquisition of literacy involves students’ listening comprehension and word reading ability which account for a variety of well and comprehensive reading. Reading comprehension and word reading is normally correlated. As an educator, I have to analyze and monitor to check the students who focus much on accurately reading each word more than comprehension. I should also focus on the students skills of word level processing. This will act as an indicator of performance in reading which can be said to be either too restrictive or inadequate Assessment of the difficulties in comprehension.
The student’s ability to read fluently calls for working memory through a tedious and slow process of recording. This will require that the readers focus all of his or her attention to every word that succeeds the already read word. Similarly, the speed of word reading will determine how that student will comprehend what he or she is reading.
Meaning is another aspect that the reader has to focus on, through word recognition and processing.
Gillet, J., Temple, C., & Crawford, A. (2008). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. (Chapter 7, p. 245-251)
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