An analysis of how Cultural preference influences how health and healthcare is perceived and received during the labor and birth process

Cultural preference influences how health and healthcare is perceived and received.

Table of Contents

As the RN working in labor and delivery, you are completing an initial patient assessment and ask about cultural preferences. Describe how this knowledge will influence the type of care you provide during the labor and birth process. Describe how this knowledge will influence your plan of care for the intrapartal patient with and without complications. Who needs to be made aware of this information? What if a member of the health care team does not support the modifications made to meet the cultural requests of the patient and family?

Only reliable professional nursing or medical websites will be acceptable – No wikipedi, WedMd, Healthline, etc. I will post information on how to find a credible website.

You should list the current date of year of the website, or when it was updated. This may take a little looking around..
•Pillitteri, A. (2014). Maternal & child health nursing: Care of the childbearing and childrearing family (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. ?Chapter 15: Nursing Care of a Family During Labor and Birth
?Chapter 16: The Nursing Role in Providing Comfort During Labor and Birth
?Chapter 21: Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Sudden Pregnancy Complication (sections on placenta previa and premature separation of the placenta)
?Chapter 23: Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Complication of Labor or Birth
?Chapter 24: Nursing Care of a Family During a Surgical Intervention for Birth

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