Author Archive: collegecustompapers

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Voter Apathy

| February 8, 2018

Voter Apathy Voter apathy is a circumstance that prevails with voters that they can not do much to influence change and hence they hold back from voting. This is detrimental attitude because it is the conglomerate of all the votes cast that determines the winning candidates, when many voters fail to vote; a candidate whose […]

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On a Global Scale, Women Face Glass Ceiling Inequalities in Regards to Leadership, Education, and Professionalism

| February 8, 2018

On a Global Scale, Women Face Glass Ceiling Inequalities in Regards to Leadership, Education, and Professionalism Wald, E. (2010). The changing professional landscape of large law firms, glass ceilings and dead ends: professional ideologies, gender stereotypes and the future of women lawyers at large law firms. Fordham law review. Vol. (78):5:2245-2288.  The article discusses the […]

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Shift from Great Man Theory to Ubuntu

| February 8, 2018

Shift from Great Man Theory to Ubuntu The great-man theory is an ideology that seeks to give credit and praise to an individual. The individual is given accolades for having accomplished certain tasks and or overcome various milestones in life.  Historically, the great-man theory was used to explain the accomplishment of a few individual in […]

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Intrinsic motivation

| February 8, 2018

Most scholars have thought that creativity results from intrinsic motivation. This conclusion is drawn from their studies, but different research disagrees on that assumption and views it on the equivocal perspective. The study uses three different empirical studies in drawing its conclusion. The essay has different variables used to develop the result. This essay will […]

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Team Evaluation Tool

| February 8, 2018

Team Evaluation Tool Team’s Functional Structure This is the first component of the team evaluation tool. Its main function pertains to the evaluation of whether the team’s functionality is effective or not. There are various attributes for examining the team’s functionality. Firstly, it is essential to examine whether the different team members are familiar with […]

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Abortion and its effects

| February 8, 2018

Abortion and its effects  Introduction. Abortion can be defined as pregnancy termination that results to fetus death. This issue is considered as a sensitive, divisive globally. The method for pregnancy termination is dependent on the pregnancy stage, the institution policy and needs of the patient. Abortion laws liberalization in various parts has led to spectacular […]

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Behavioral Sciences: Theories

| February 8, 2018

Behavioral Sciences: Theories Introduction Classical condition can be referred to the conditioning of the response behavior of a particular stimulus that is supported by a certain unconditional response. On the other had operant conditioning is a learning method that occurs through punishment and rewards of behavior. Neobehaviorism seeks to understand the response and stimulus pattern […]

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Writing a Research Hypothesis

| February 8, 2018

Writing a Research Hypothesis Research Question: Is there a relationship between employee compensation and organizational performance? Null Hypothesis: There is no relation between employee compensation and organizational performance. Alternative hypothesis: there exists a relationship between employee compensation and organizational performance. The study data for this research topic will be gathered from at least three reputable […]

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Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

| February 8, 2018

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace A dictionary definition of diversity refers to a situation that involves different elements. When discussing people, diversity refers to different categories of people within a social organization. A personal definition of diversity is the multicultural differences of different individual in the society (Andersen, & Taylor, 2007). Movement and relocations from […]

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Canada Should Change the Way It Manages Its Fresh Water Resources

| February 8, 2018

Canada Should Change the Way It Manages Its Fresh Water Resources Introduction Canada is among the world largest supply of fresh water resources. The country accounts for about 7% of the global fresh water supply. The country is also one of the largest users of fresh water resources. The country uses almost two times the […]

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