Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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American History on Film-The Platoon Movie and the Vietnam War

| December 12, 2017

 Introduction The Vietnam War occurred in the period of 1955 to 1975 in Asian parts of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The war is at times referred to as the second Indochina War because it followed the first Indochina War. The war was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Southern Vietnam was supported by United […]

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Visual and Contextual analysis of Ancient Egyptian Art-Bastet figurine

| December 12, 2017

Abstract A piece of art is a form of communication that employs a visual language rather than words to express or convey its message. Works of art have a setting in time and significance in aesthetics, utility, culture and/or religion. The art subject for this paper is an ancient Egyptian bastet bronze figurine from the […]

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Greek classical Humanism

| December 12, 2017

 Abstract             Humanism is a life’s perspective or attitude of which when assumed influences the humans systems of belief and philosophy in relation to its major concern-Humans. It centers on human concerns including experiences, desires and needs as the central focus point of any system and course of thought. It is more of a perspective […]

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Mbuti of Africa

| December 12, 2017

Thesis statement Living in a remote section of the African rainforest where extreme climate and resource availability is common, the Mbuti are actually a collection of several hunter-gatherer groups who live in bands of ten to fifty people who are very mobile, both for purposes of tracking food supplies, and in recent centuries, to avoid […]

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Cheating in Schools, beyond Schools and how to deal with Cheaters

| December 12, 2017

Cheating is any action that offers unfair advantage to others while denying others a chance of benefiting from a common resource. The fact that it involves an unfair loss to other parties raises a moral question as to whether it is right or wrong. Any virtuous person’s conscience can tell them that it is wrong […]

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Systems Deployed

| December 12, 2017

Introduction In the changing business environments companies should operate very rapidly. There should de continued changes in the business to make sure it fits the current trends. Some of the areas where the companies should put emphasis on are the members of the staff. The company should make sure that the staffs are very competent […]

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Future Demand

| December 12, 2017

There has been increasing demands from the clients of the Apple products since its invention in 1976. This has necessitated the need to have a plan that will help solve the problem of failure to satisfy the need of the client. In matter to the staff, Apple Inc has had the most competent staff in […]

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Understaffing of Nurses

| December 12, 2017

Abstract The understaffing of nurses in medical institutions is becoming a source of constant concern, including the health maintenance of patients in hospital setting. This paper will examine the crisis of understaffing of nurses in TenetHospital and its impact on patients. The main purpose of this research is to analyze and qualitatively assess the repercussions […]

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Kenya: It’s Political, Economic, Cultural And Physical Landscape

| December 12, 2017

Kenya is one of the Sub-Saharan African countries and its area covers approximately 582, 646 kilometers squared. In this text I look at the country’s political, economic, cultural as well as physical landscape. Kenya’s [political landscape Currently, the political environment in this sub-Saharan country is at its highest point given that the country is at […]

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History of the Calculus and its Development

| December 12, 2017

Introduction Calculus is historically referred to as infinitesimal calculus, and is defined as a discipline whose main focus is  derivates, limits, integrals, functions and infinite series. Ideas that lead up to the notions of derivative, function and integral developed in the entire phase of the 17th century. The history of this discipline and its development will […]

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