examine the rise of U.S. immigration restrictions and the slow decline of restrictionist policies and attitudes. This should focus on the 20th century.

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Examine the rise of U.S. immigration restrictions

Table of Contents

Rise of restriction and the slow decline of restrictionist policies and attitudes.

Paper, Order, or Assignm

examine the rise of U.S. immigration restrictions and the slow decline of restrictionist policies and attitudes. This should focus on the 20th century.
Use the following as references…. David G. Gutiérrez, “Walls and Mirrors: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the Politics of Ethnicity” (1995). Also, use Tichenor’s post-1980 conclusions to support the essay- Daniel Tichenor, “Dividing Lines: The Politics of Immigration Control in America” (2002)

You are to research, write, and present a company policy. The policy must be a company related topic. The topic for the team project company policy is to be on sexual harassment.
The company will be fictitious, but the policy has to meet the necessary private and public sector guidelines.

Be creative but also keep in mind: justify why the policy is needed, articulate the goal of the policy, emphasize what it is expected by the employee, write clearly without too much jargon, describe rewards or punitive actions, include state and federal law statements if applicable, identify audience, provide information about the problem, explain how the issue will be resolved, appropriate content, organization, proper writing mechanics, and above all professional. Remember, the project is a company policy, which can have procedures as well. Not to be confused with writing step-by-step procedures.

After all of the content has been researched and gathered, the team will compare and contrast all of the inputs to assess a conclusion on how ethically effective or ineffective the company policy will be. This will be an opportunity to develop your team working skill, critically thinking, and present a professional paper as a team.

Paper Structure

1. Cover Page
2. Abstract
3. Introduce the company (1 page)
4. Evaluate issues leading to write a policy (1 – 2 pages)
5. Describe the company policy (2 – 3 pages)
6. Conclusion
7. Reference Page

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