Immigration Reform Policy
The immigration reform policy has a tremendous effect in future of America; it is vital in the competitiveness of economy and its growth. Therefore the reforms should focus immigration systems that foster entrepreneurship and address the plight of those in the country illegally. The policy will make the country more competitive in the global economy. For instance the immigrants are more likely to start a business that the natives.
As it responds to the economic realities that have been shifting as well as enriching its societal needs; it increases productivity and complements the workforce very well because it creates more jobs than they can be filled by those natively born in America. The demand for foreign labor is being solved by the reform policy. Many taxpaying young immigrants help the United States overcome worker skills and entitlement program shortfalls. Therefore without immigration growth can not be sustained and the prosperity to which America has become used to.
The country will be more secure with policy reform because border security will be enhanced. The internal security will therefore be looked into. The new policies should provide for means that will curb the illegal immigration into the country. This is because illegal immigration has adverse effects. The security of the country will be compromised if immigration into the country will not be controlled. Immigration that is not controlled fraud in the monetary systems becomes hard as well as the eligibility to work and allowing of employers to verify the documents. (O’toole & Lawler, 2007)
There are quite variety of negatives that comes with diversity in the country; these can be attributed high immigration rates. The differences among the diverse groups have been used for oppressing one another. There is a belief that congestion has resulted to congestion, sprawl, pollution, crime, deficits, schools failing, wages going down, increase in the cost of health care, shortage in housing, deteriorating security at the border and terrorism increase. This is a bother to many countries today especially in America since its citizens feel a bit insecure and unease to welcome more people into their community. They feel that they are not getting what they deserve and that they are sharing what is their due to people who are like aliens to the society.(Bucher, 2000)
Due to the adverse effect been caused the diversity means and ways needs to be looked into to create a solution to the problem. A workable solution to the problem is enacting rules and regulations that control the type and number of individuals who enter the country. This will ensure that there are only few foreign individuals in the society who can be absorbed into the society with ease.
Election of a socialism indigenous leader Evo Morales president who promised to change those who run Bolivia and to empower the majority of the nation who were poor and give them more say. The government first acted to acquire the control of gas and oil which are the largest assets of Bolivia. Foreign companies were asked to sign contrasts and give up control of the Bolivian operations or else leave the country. (Shipler, 2005)
As a result of his election US feared the increase in the exportation of illegal drugs since Coca having been a coca grower could not restrain its production. Although still many Bolivians live inn poverty there were positive consequences to the governance; for instance the country agreed to sign contracts with ten oil companies from abroad to facilitate its production. There has been increased enrolment in school going children and rate of education has increased as a result.
Bucher, R.D. (2000) Diversity consciousness: Opening our minds to people, cultures and opportunities: Upper Saddle river: Prentice Hall-Gale
O’toole J. & Lawler, E.E. (2007) The new American workplace,USA: Palgrave Macmillan
Shipler, D.K. (2005) The working poor: Invisible in America,USA: Vintage books
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