Health and Fitness Program for Mr. Connor
PAR-Q Rating Health Status
After interviewing Mr. Connor, it was found out that he had no heart condition. This means that it was safe for him to engage in physical activities. He also confirmed that he did not feel any pain in his chest when doing physical activities. Mr. Connor answered no to questions 3, 4 and 5 of the PAR-Q. This is due to the fact that he had never experienced any chest pains, he had never lost his balance and did not have a joint or bone problem. He answered yes to question 6. This is because Mr. Connor currently has a high blood pressure and is under medication to lower his cholesterol and diuretic to lower his blood pressure.
General Medical History
Mr. Connor had no history of heart-related complications. Hence, he gave a no answer to all questions related to heart history. It is also evident that he had no symptoms relating to heart complications. For the additional health issues, Mr. Connor answered yes because he had hypertension and was under diuretic treatment to lower his blood pressure.
Testing CRF
Mr. Connor is a 40 year old male who has never participated in an exercise program. He weighs 265 lbs. his cholesterol level was 270 mg per dl while his fasting glucose level was 132 mg per dl. Mr. Connor’s blood pressure was 148 per 94mmHg which is an indication of high blood pressure. He was diagnosed with no ischemia with GXT. His VO2 was 22 ml. kg-1. min-1. Following the above tests, Mr. Connor was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and placed on medication aimed at lowering his blood cholesterol level. It was also evident that he had high blood pressure. He was therefore under diuretic treatment to lower the blood pressure.
To Test Muscular Endurance
Mr. Connor did the push-up test in order to build up his chest muscle, upper back, shoulders and arms. Mr. Connor did averagely well. He managed to do 15 reps of which the average push is between 11-19 reps.
To Test Muscular Strength
In order to test Mr. Connor’s muscular strength, he was interviewed regarding the number of squats he could do without stopping. Mr. Connor was not sure about the number. Hence, he was asked lower himself to a squatting position and then slowly stands up straight. Mr. Connor managed to score 20 reps which were appropriate for a man his age.
According to interview results, Mr. Connor stretched hand could reach 32cm which was within the average rank for men of his age
Risk Factor Assessment
Mr. Connor had high pressure and high cholesterol levels. Due to these factors he was a rather inactive person and was not involved in any given physical activity.
Since Mr. Connor was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he was placed on medication to lower his blood cholesterol level (Cherewatenko and Perry, 2000). He also and hypertension and hence placed on a diuretic to lower his blood pressure.
Health and Lifestyle Behaviors
Mr. Connor should initially engage in supervised aerobic activities such as cycling and walking. The activity should be done for 30 minutes on 3days a week. The intensity should at first be low to moderate for his body to acclimatize to the exercise. He should gradually build his aerobic exercise to 45 and 60 minutes.If the exercises proceed smoothly during the first two weeks without complications, Mr. Connor will be educated on the signs of hypoglycemia and then encouraged to take part in walks under no supervision. This will then be followed by gradual building of his aerobic exercises (Colberg and Peter, 2005).Mr. Connor should also be involved in resistance training exercises, which should be done 3days a week under supervision. These training activities include completion of 2 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions of different exercises. The repetition exercises include leg extension, leg curl, shoulder press, biceps curl and triceps extension exercises.
Mr. Connor has a dietary restriction of approximately 500 kcal below the daily caloric need. The caloric expenditure averages 250 kcal per day. This nutrition will lead to a weight loss of around 18 lbs during the 3 months exercise program.Since Mr. Connor was inactive and had not taken part in vigorous physical activity, there was need for motivation.
Motivational Strategies
Mr. Connor has to be educated and advised on the importance of exercises and fitness in dealing with diabetes type 2. Interview revealed that Mr. Connor was ready to accept the new changes in his lifestyle. He was therefore ready to embrace the fitness program since it was beneficial to his well being. Mr. Connor’s family members were supportive and a major source of motivation to him.
The daily caloric intake recommended to Mr. Connor is 250 calories. Regular exercise is also recommended and the exercise should be initially supervised for 30 minutes for 3 days a week. This rate of exercising should be gradually built to 45 to 60 minutes on 5 or more days a week.
Cherewatenko, D., Perry, P. (2000) The Diabetes Cure: A Natural Plan that can slow, stop, Even cure type 2 diabetes. HarperCollins.
Colberg, S., & Peter, A. (2005) The 7 step diabetes fitness plan: living well and being fit with diabetes, no matter your weight. Da Capo Press.
Hoeger, W. K., & Hoeger, S. A. (2009) Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness (10thEd). Cengage Learning.
Prevention Health Books for Women (2002) Fit not fat at 40-plus: the shape-up plan that
balances your hormones, boots your metabolism, and fights female fat in your forties…and beyond. Rodale.
Part Two
The article’s title is called “ A New Evaluation Tool to Obtain Practice-Bases Evidence of Worksite Health Promotion Programs.
The article is effective since it emphasizes on the fitness programs at the work place in order to reduce incidences of chronic diseases. The method that was developed by the Centers for Disease Control in order to identify the suitable programs is known as the Swift Worksite Assessment and Translation (SWAT) evaluation method. This method is used to identify the promising worksite programs aimed at promoting health. Health measures emphasized are promoting health weight in working adults.One of the elements that come out of this article is the importance of heath promotion programs at the work place. It is evident that the workplace is a setting that presents an important venue for promotion of practices that enhance health. The main reason for this is the fact that majority of the working-age women and men are found in the work place most of the days. The integral part of Centers for Disease Control is promotion of worker safety and health insurance benefits. The other goal is to achieve public health for quality of life among adults.
In order to reduce the health care costs, employers ought to promote their employees health. This can be achieved through identification and initiation of suitable health programs.SWAT evaluation is the most appropriate method that employers can use to identify the most suitable health program for employees. By initiating fitness programs, employees can be assured of a great well-being. It is also evident that fitness programs play a role in prevention of chronic diseases. That is the main reason why patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes are often encouraged to take part in fitness and exercise programs. These programs help them to cut down on the blood cholesterol level and lower blood pressure.Obesity is among the most common chronic diseases that affect employee health care cost followed by diabetes. The main reason for this is because majority of the people at the work place rarely take part in regular exercises. Moreover, most of them spend most of their time sitting at on specific place instead of exercising. By implementing a fitness and exercise plan or program, it is possible to reduce the cases of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity among employees at the workplace.
Only large companies have been able to initiate of perform research studies related to health promotion programs. Small organizations on the other hand have not been able to take part in research studies regarding promotion of health programs at workplaces. The main reason is that small organizations have inadequate resources and finances for funding the programs. Moreover, they lack resources for funding the evaluation process. It is therefore evident that the employees at small organizations are at a higher risk of chronic diseases compared to employees of large companies and organizations. Even if employees at large organizations gat the chronic diseases, there is a possibility that they would not succumb to the disease since they have enough funds to cater for the costly medication and treatment programs.It is also evident that well executed and well designed research studies enable organizations to establish the best fitness programs that can help promote employees well-being and health promotion. It is essential to obtain the most effective and the best information in order to make progress towards establishing public health goals and objectives.
Evaluation method is more effective since each and every employee is evaluated in order to identify the best fitness programs that meet all the needs of the different employees present at a given workplace setting.The SWAT method is especially useful for establishing strategies that can help prevent childhood obesity. The method reviews the programs of employees, policies and practices that can promote employee health. The method also complies with the program evaluation standards of propriety, accuracy, utility and feasibility. SWAT methods provided enough information for health experts to identify strategies that promote employee health.In conclusion, the article stresses on the importance of fitness programs in preventing chronic diseases. It particularly puts emphasizes on the workplace setting where employees do not exercise a lot and hence are at risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. SWAT is an important evaluation tool that can be used to identify the most appropriate fitness programs based on the employee needs.
Dunet O., Sparling, P. B., & Hersey J. (2008) Preventing Chronic Disease: A New Evaluation Tool to Obtain Practice-Based Evidence of Worksite Health Promotion Programs. Vol. 4(5)
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