The project was aimed at developing a blog for a fitness club. That is smith fitness club blog. The main aim for developing smith fitness club blog was to help in marketing of products and services from the club. The club placed information about services and products it offers in the blog. This made it easy for customers to access products and services from the club. This in turn enabled customers to make ethical decisions when getting products from the fitness club. The main goal of the smith fitness club blog is to provide information about the club. The blog has helped the club provide some background information about it. This has helped customers understand the club well. In addition, the blog is also aimed at providing details about the products and services that are offered by the club and hence avoid confusion among the customers. For example, the blog provides information about new products and services that are provided by the club.
It also informs customers about products and services that are already in the fitness club. This makes the customers familiar with the products and services. Apart from the primary objectives listed above. There are secondary objectives that are linked with the blog. First, the blog is aimed at enhancing the relationship between customers and the organization. This is mainly by improving communication in the organization. The blog makes it easy for the customers to communicate with the club often. Customers are able to post their comments about products and services (Pickton &Broderick, 2005).
Like other blogs the blog has been effective. First, the blog objectives and goals stated above are inline with other goals stated in other blogs. In addition, the blog has been effective as the objectives set above and goals have been attained. First, the primary goals have been attained. This is because the club has been able to use the blog to provide details about new products and services. For instance, the club has managed to inform people about the exercise programs and importance of exercise. This is mainly by providing vital information in the site about exercise. The club has also provided different pictures showing different kinds of exercise activities like swimming and playing.
Apart from stating the importance of exercise, the club has used the blog to educate the customers about the importance of keeping fit. For example, the club has been able to show how being health prevents chronic diseases. Moreover, the club has used the blog to post new products and services. For example, it has been effective in posting new information about health (Pickton &Broderick, 2005).
Further, the secondary objectives of the blog have been achieved. This is because the fitness club has been able to improve the relationship between clients and the club. The blog enables clients and the club to share information. The clients post information about the products and services by leaving their comments. Also, the blog allows the clients to use social networks to access products and service details. Most of the blogs that have been developed have given clients an opportunity to access the blog using different types of social networks like twitter and face book. The smith fitness club also allows the users to view the blog content using twitter and face book (Pickton &Broderick, 2005).
The blog activity can be measured using the following metrics. First, the blog activity can be measured in terms of traffic. That is the number of people who can access the blog. The traffic in smith fitness club blog is good as many people access the blog. Many people have logged into the blog. In addition, the number of RSS subscribers can be used to determine the effectiveness of blog activity. The RSS subscribers are many.Moreover, the blog activity can be measured in terms of number of comments and length. Most of the people who have accessed the blog have given various comments about products and services offered by the blog.
The quality of comments is also good. The blog has a section where clients can post their views and contribute to discussion in the blog. Apart from the comments, the blog activity can be measured using incoming links and track backs. The incoming links in the blog are many and this has made it easy for people to interact. Also, the rate of posting can be used to measure the blog activity. The number of messages posted in the blog is high. The smooth fitness club has posted a large number of messages in the blog. The messages in the blog are posted on weekly basis. Also, friends and customers post messages into the blog. The blog has been successful like other blogs (Pickton &Broderick, 2005).
My performance has been good. This is evidenced by the blog project. The blog project has been developed well. For instance, the blog developed has incorporated all the elements of a blog. For example, the blog project has a title. In addition, the blog has sections where the users can post their comments. It also has a section where the users can access product information and services. Also, the blog has a description. The description section gives background information about the project. Additionally, the blog has a blog achieve that enables users to retrieve information from the blog. It also has a calendar that helps in posting of articles and accessing them. Users have been able to view articles posted on Tuesday or Wednesday.
They have also been able to retrieve the articles from the database. Hence, the blog has been designed according to the plan developed for the project. The content section of the blog is well developed. For instance, content creation has been effective as the club has been able to develop content that meets the needs of the audience. The blog is operating as expected and it can be accessed by different people in the world. This is because it is available in Google search engine and people can search it and retrieve it. The project proposal has also been effective as it has helped identify the objectives of the blog and the goals. This has made it easy to develop the project plan and hence the project (Pickton &Broderick, 2005).
Pickton,D,M&Broderick,A.(2005).Integrated marketing communications. Financial Times Prentice Hall
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