Personal Mission Statement

Personal Mission Statement

 I am a professional who believes in being committed towards the different responsibilities of an early childhood teacher. I strongly believe that I can make a massive difference in the society by helping children establish their academic foundation. I have tremendous value for respect and dignity. I believe that the absence of these values undermines an individual’s ability to maximize on professional potential. As an education professional, I value academic excellence among all learners. I also believe in the facilitation of an effectual learning setting for all students.

From an ethics point of view, I believe in avoiding any form of bias while teaching children. I treat all children equally irrespective of their race, economic background or age. While working with children, the theory of operant conditioning helps in maximizing their potential. I strongly believe that children respond to rewards and punishments in terms of performance. I hope to impact children’s lives by creating a learning environment that conforms to their abilities. I always challenge myself by seeking additional knowledge in education psychology.

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