Professional Standards Nursing Board

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Assignment: Professional Standards Nursing Board

Begin your write up with an introductory summary paragraph of education, experience and specialty practice.
The first is the instruction sheet with the RN Qualification ( Performance Standards Which you need to write to providing 1 example per standard of your current practice showing how you meet the standard-
For each standard, start with a paragraph using the title of the standard as a header, i.e. PRACTICE followed by a description of your current practice formatted in
1/ situation and/or problem
2/ your leadership in situation and /or problem solving
3/ outcome for patient/family/staff or patient care system based on your leadership.

There are 9 domains of practice which are derived from the ANA’s standards of Professional Practice are listed in the first document and the second attachment consolidates them into the 4 dimensions of Practice, professional development, collaboration and scientific inquiry-along with examples and outcomes which correspond to #2 and #3 above

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