What are the risk factors of falls amongst older adults and how can we reduce and prevent falls?

style=”text-align: justify;”>What are the risk factors of falls amongst older adults and how can we reduce and prevent falls?

Project Question: What are the risk factors of falls amongst older adults and how can we reduce and prevent falls?

Table of Contents

Length: 1100 words

Format: Report format

Instruction for this Assignment:

 Discuss the project question including background and rationale (100 words)

 Find five (5) journal articles related specifically to the question (stated above) and provide synopsis of understanding of these articles. These articles MUST be either peer-reviewed primary researchjournal articles or systematic reviews. (400 words)

 Whilst on placement take some time to critically observe the practices in your clinical area (Geriatric Rehabilitation), in relation to the question and record your findings. Critical observation can include: discussion, dialogue with clinicians in Aged care area.(As this is an assessment that requires you to observe in the clinical area I would expect the observation part of this assessment to be in first person e.g you can use “I” when identifying what you are observing in the clinical arena).

 Discuss your observation in light of your readings. (500 words).

 Extensively discusses the background of the question providing insightful analyses of the rationale and identifying alternative questions.
 Provide extensive and detailed synopsis of the literature. Thoroughly critiques articles considering strengths and weakness of evidence provided. Clarifies evidence in support of alternative views. All literature is peer reviewed or primary resources from credible contemporary sources
 Thoroughly analyses clinical practice in relation to the question. Discriminates rationally using reasonable judgment when evaluation and critiquing clinical practice against contemporary literature. Provides extensive consideration for changes to practice based on findings.
 Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. A range of in-text citations has been used.
 There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. The report reads without interruption.

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