The UNESCO Declaration

1.      UNESCO and supporting Science and Technology

The modern day revolution of technology and science brought about the concern that unchecked scientific progress is not ethically acceptable.  The main concern now is the need for the establishment of benchmarks and values and the promotion of standards and ethical principles that will guide in technological development and scientific progress. These standards mainly apply in the developing countries that do not have the same technological and scientific preferences as the westernized nations.

The UNESCO declaration focuses on ethical in technology and sciences that should be applied around the globe. The UNESCO declaration examines the progresses in terms of ethical considerations that are from the philosophical, legal, religious, and cultural heritage of the different human communities. The activities of UNESCO undertake a wide range of forms on the ethics of technology and sciencei.

These activities include legal and standards instruments, recommendations in the development of ethical guidelines and for decision makers. The standards of instruments include the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data (2003) and the Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights (1997) ii. UNESCO has a role in helping to build capacity, develop regional networks and promote ethics in technology and science education and the provision of educational materials.  It also acts as an ethical watch especially on issues that affect human rights on technology and science progress iii.

2. Importance of the implementation of UNESCO Declaration as universal laws

The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and human Rights guides on ethics related to sciences and technology. This is the UNESCO Declaration that explores new progress in sciences, such as, stem cell research, human cloning, bioethics, and pre-implantation diagnosis iv.  The interdependence of nations on scientific and technological developments around the world is more than before.  The scientific breakthroughs have seen the discrimination of knowledge is through unrestricted exchange of information and International Corporation v.

This brings forth the international ethical, societal, and legal concerns that have to be guided by rules passed by the Universal deceleration. This means that technological and scientific progress allows room for catastrophic harm. The current age of genetics requires lengthened foresight that will help in disclosing the traditions and issues at stake, as well as, the opportunities and goals.  It also calls for guidance on issues that should be preserved and those that we can deny ourselves. The UNESCO declaration aims to construct a common ground on human dignity that values mankind. This means that all nations of the world should understand the affective ethical and legal responses, as well as, the scientific side that have to be coordinated globally. This means that the international Bill of Rights should be applied across nations under the UNESCO coordination vi.

3. Solidarity

The principle of responsibility is to other Declaration principles, mainly the principles of cooperation and solidarity. The principle of solidarity and cooperation is not only a call out to States, but calls out to the protection of the future generation. Solidarity further means upholding aspects, such as, non–stigmatization and non discrimination and ensuring the protection of the environment and the vulnerable ones.  Scientific and technological development plays a critical part in the development of social and health issues. The responsibility of the industrialized and developed nations is to promote solidarity, international cooperation and benefit sharing of technological and scientific progress to other nation’s vii.

According to the IBC report, the areas where international corporation and solidarity will be a critical issue are the genetic research. It is also essential to consider the notion of developing and developed countries within the biotechnology context. Some countries are in biotechnological developments while other is not. There is the need to set up a framework that will ensure that all countries benefit from genome research.  Human genome research and its outcomes are within the biotechnological filed viii . For example, on the debate concerning genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the issues on international cooperation and solidarity should not be ignored. Issues on human genome are not within the subject of international cooperation and solidarity in life sciences.

Other issues are however, raised concerning genetic engineering, such as, new vaccines and drugs and gene therapy.  There are also the issues in the new biotechnology use.  For example, in agriculture and food, there is the transfer of knowledge and technology of organ and tissues transplant, especially on biodiversity protection ix. Private enterprises and Nongovernmental-governmental organizations can have a direct influence on research implications and the ethical debate concerning the human genome and new technologies.  This shows that the ethical foundations set out by the Declaration should be used as guidelines on development for current and future policies based on international cooperation and solidarity x.

Every country is responsible for promoting and respecting the concept of solidarity towards population groups, families, and individuals who are vulnerable including the disabled and the sick. The concept of solidarity can apply in two forms. First is through the ability of persons to exercise their rights freely and with dignity. Second, is through encouraging research on prevention, indemnification, and disease treatment. Human genome is part of a general culture just like genetic research and human diversity. These aspects should be shared among nations in the spirit of solidarity through the international scientific knowledge dissemination xi.


Meulen, R , Arts W, & Muffels, R (2001) Solidarity in the health and social care in Europe. Kluwer Academic publishers
Dwyer, J (2009) how to connect bioethics and environmental ethics. sustainability health and justice. bioethics journal, vol 23, p 497-502
 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (2006) Ethics of Science and Technology . printed in France.
 International Bioethics Committee (IBC): Report on the Principle of Respect for Human Vulnerability and Human Integrity. UNESCO, Paris, 2011.
 On November 23rd 2012

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