Wellness and Fitness

Diet plays a significant role in a person’s physical as well as mental well being. Diet determines your susceptibility to illness and also determines your immunity. This is what I have experienced as result of may changed eating lifestyle. Due to my inability to continue with my exercise program, I was compelled to change my eating habit into low sugar and fat diet. This has led to changes in cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and endurance and flexibility.


Since the onset of the new diet program I have experienced increased cardiovascular endurance. I am now capable of handling strenuous activities such as walking long distances without running short of breath or getting extremely tired. This is due to the fact that my new diet supports cardiovascular functions (General Medicine Community, 2011). The low fat and sugar diet is capable of preventing the generation of coronary heart diseases. This promotes that cardiovascular health and therefore promoting cardiovascular endurance. Low fat and sugar diet also promotes the health of the body’s circulatory systems thereby ensuring efficient transfers of nutrients and oxygen and therefore a faster metabolic rate. Low fat and sugar diet are also capable of transferring calories quickly and hence the increased cardiovascular endurance.


There have also been changes concerning muscle strength and endurance. Diet such as whole wheat bread provides the body with high levels of calories and therefore increasing muscle strength and endurance (General Medicine Community, 2011). The whole grain diet also provides the body with other nutrients such mineral, fiber and fatty acids which are crucial to healthy development of muscles. Similar whole grained diet promotes health cardiovascular and circulatory system and therefore promoting efficient metabolic processes which lead to greater muscle strength and endurance. This is because this diet has one of the lowest glycemic indexes (Mendosa, 2011).


I have also witnessed some changes in body flexibility as result of my diet switch. Body flexibility is normally related to the health of the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system (General Medicine Community, 2011). Healthy blood vessels are usually flexible and this flexibility is related to the bodily flexibility. Diets with low glycemic index are less likely to cause arterial stiffness and therefore promote the flexibility of the body. These diets also contribute to the development of muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Muscle strength and cardiovascular stiffness brings about an improved metabolic rate and therefore leading to greater body flexibility.


As a result of interaction of these factors I now feel less fatigued at the end of the day or after performing involving activities. I am also capable of engaging in strenuous and energy demanding activities. My body shape and posture have also improved dramatically. I have now acquired a desirable body shape and posture that not only enhance my physical capabilities but also my cognitive capability by changing my self esteem and confidence.

These changes have influenced various spheres of my life. As a result of these changes my ability to perform duties that involve physical strength has been enhanced. My academic work has also improved. I now find it easy to remember concept leant in class and also to reason out ideas and concepts. My social life has also improved. I now find it easier to relate with people of different caliber since my improved physical and mental health and the improved body shape and posture has enhanced my confidence and self esteem.


General Medicine Community (2011). Body Flexibilty Test. April 29, 2011. Retrieved from http://ihealthbulletin.com/blog/2009/10/06/body-flexibility-test-arterial-stiffness/

Mendosa D. (2011). Low Carb and Low GI Food. April 29, 20

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