Globalization and Technology

Globalization and Technology

Globalization refers to the incorporation of worldviews and social contexts from different parts of the world. In essence, globalization serves as a platform for people from different backgrounds to share with each other. In essence, globalization has been one of the most outstanding perspectives in the 21st Century. This is largely because of technological advancements. Through technology, people from different backgrounds can share with each other even if they are in distinct geographical locations. It is also pertinent to note that globalization has an inherent capacity to enhance the standards of humanity around the world. For instance, it represents an excellent platform for promoting the availability of employment opportunities for all people.

Through modern technology, companies can outsource for employees from almost any part of the world. From another perspective, globalization also serves as a useful platform for streamlining free trade across different borders. Through free trade, companies can outsource for raw materials from diverse parts of the world. All these perspectives serve as indicators of the positive implications of globalization. This paper seeks to examine the inherent values of globalization as pertains to the lasting merits of the 21st Century.

As evident in the introductory section, globalization has numerous advantageous implications on humanity. The first outstanding merit of globalization pertains to the enhancement of investment opportunities across different parts of the world. Due to globalization, individual and organizational investors can diversify their activities across borders. This is because globalization facilitates for the movement and transfer of goods across different regions. In the 21st Century, investment is a critical perspective with regard to the enhancement of economies. “Through rapid investment activities, it is possible to attain the relevant standards of economic growth” (Tomohara, 2011).

Apart from the enhancement of investment activities, another outstanding merit of globalization is the enhancement of global connectivity. Through globalization, people from different parts of the world can stay in touch. This is largely because of the exemplary technological advancements that evident in almost all sectors. Without adequate connectivity, it is difficult for people to network with each other. Insufficient communications can substantially undermine the perspectives of knowledge transfer. In the 21st century, people can easily communicate through the different avenues like social media, emails and the internet among others. Consequently, connectivity represents a significant perspective with regard to the value of globalization in the 21st Century (Feasel, 2012).

Another positive implication of globalization encompasses the enhancement of the strength of developing economies. These economies are predominant in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia. Most of these economies struggle with redundant technologies, slow economic growth and ineffectual infrastructure among others. However, globalization presents an exemplary avenue for dealing with these challenges. For instance, the western countries can remit assistance to the developing economies. Global connectivity is also an essential perspective that helps in alleviating economic challenges in the developing world. Another beneficial implication of globalization in the 21st Century is the enhancement of unity among different regions and countries.

 In previous centuries, interstate and regional conflicts were extremely predominant. However, this has tremendously changed in the 21st century due to globalization (Izarali, 2011). In essence, globalization provides adequate avenues which facilitate for effective diplomacy among different countries. This is extremely helpful in terms of alleviating conflicts between nations. The enhancement of unity among countries is extremely essential towards the attainment of peace in all parts of the globe. For instance, it is difficult to attain economic growth in any country when there are numerous instabilities as a result of conflicts. Another positive implication of globalization in the 21st Century is the establishment of new opportunities for employment.
Through globalization, organizations can outsource labor from many parts of the globe. Consequently, this serves as an essential foundation for enhancing job opportunities around the world (Lechner, 2007). This situation is different from the scenario that was evident in the past. This is because geographical barriers served as a significant stumbling block for people seeking employment opportunities. All these perspectives indicate that globalization has been an essential pillar towards the enhancement of wellbeing. The significance of globalization in the modern world is invaluable since it affects all realms of life. Despite these advantages, it is essential to pinpoint some shortcomings of globalization in the modern world.  For instance, globalization has been a significant contributor towards the degradation of moral standards in the society. This is because more people continue to embrace modernism (Feasel, 2012). Another potential shortcoming of globalization is the extensive exploitation of scarce resources.

This paper examines the numerous advantageous implications of globalization in the 21st Century. Due to globalization, individual and organizational investors can diversify their activities across borders. This is because globalization facilitates for the movement and transfer of goods across different regions. In the 21st Century, investment is a critical perspective with regard to the enhancement of economies. Global connectivity is also an essential perspective that helps in alleviating economic challenges in the developing world. Another beneficial implication of globalization in the 21st Century is the enhancement of unity among different regions and countries.


Feasel, E. & Muzumder, D. (2012). Understanding attitudes towards globalization atindividual and national level. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2(1)
Izarali, M. (2011). Mitigating globalization with the basic human rights to protect basic human needs. Global Studies Journal, 3(4)
Lechner, F. (2007). Globalization. Hoboken. NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Tomohara, A. & Takii, S. (2011). Does globalization benefit developing countries? Journal of Policy Modeling, 33(3)

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