Globalization Entails

Globalization Entails

Globalization entails increasing the interdependence and connection of businesses and markets in the world.  The process of globalization has speeded up for the past two decades due to development in technology. Technology development has enabled movement of people, communication and international business.  Globalization has led to increase in competition.  Globalization has led to various changes in organizations. It has led to cultural, structural and   strategy changes. Most organizations have changed their structures, cultures and strategies in order to adapt and remain competitive in the changing global business environment. Organizations have employed new strategies that enable them to compete with competitors in the market. Globalization has had an effect on human resource department.  Globalization has affected human resource practices in most organizations including Hancock Manufacturing.   Globalization has affected hiring, training, selection and compensation practices.  Human resource departments have been forced to change their HR practices so as to address the changes of globalization (Misra, 2009).

Hancok manufacturing has invested in management of employees in the organization in order to become competitive and be productive.  Employees are expected to be creative, innovative, and product to meet organizational goals. They should also improve their knowledge and skills in order to be productive. The human resource department has changed its hiring, selection, training, development and remuneration practices to respond to challenges brought by globalization.  The human resource department only hires the best employees and trains them to attain the company goals. It also uses modern methods such as career fair in institutions to recruit employees to get qualified workers.  This has enabled the department to keep pace with globalization (Misra, 2009).


Misra, R.N. (2009). Human  resource management after globalization. Discovery publishing house

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